WHAT’S NEW TO THE FOURTH EDITION AND ORGANIZATION OF THE TEXT The book presents a balance of quantitative and qualitative research because the communication scholarship embraces both approaches. In addition to updating the published research examples and research references sources (161 new references are included), the biggest change to the fourth edition is its organization and the continuation of the increased focus on qualitative research. More examples are given; more direction is provided in how to design and conduct a qualitative study and collect (Chapters 14, 15, and 16) and analyze qualitative data (Chapter 17), as well as writing a qualitative research report (Chapter 18). Information in each of these chapters has been strengthened with greater depth and more examples, and this information has been reorganized for improved flow that better mirrors the qualitative research process. Based on feedback from reviewers, the book is now divided into three sections. In the first section, Research Basics, students are introduced to the research process, its basic principles, and research ethics. Chapters in this first section are introductory to research in general and are neutral with respect to methodology. The issues raised in these initial chapters are issues that both quantitative and qualitative researchers must address. Section 2 focuses on quantitative communication research methods whereas Section 3 focuses on qualitative communication research methods. Across all chapters, emphasis was placed on updating examples and reference sources to align the book with current research practices in the communication discipline. All of the new references are from the 2011 through 2013 published literature. Across all of the chapters, I also worked to be more inclusive of examples drawn from research conducted in other parts of the world, and by researchers outside the USA. Likewise I updated technology examples to reflect the current mediated environment. The book remains in APA 6th, as that is the style requirement of most social science communication journals. Material from the appendixes has been moved to the book’s website, www.mhhe.com/keyton4, where instructors and students will also find PowerPoint presentations for each chapter and short online quizzes for which results can be emailed to instructors. As with the last edition, a note about online resources available to students concludes each chapter (www.joannkeyton.com/CommunicationResearchMethods.htm). I update these resources each academic year. Whether you assign students to work with these resources inside or outside of class, or expect students to use these materials on their own, the online resources provide students with ways to enhance and test their knowledge of research methods. |