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Multiple Choice Quiz
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We can reject a thought experiment on the grounds that its
A)assumptions are unreasonable.
B)results are unfavorable.
C)situations are physically impossible.
D)outcome produces too much agreement.
E)none of these
One of the motives for doing philosophy is to
A)lead a good life
B)withdraw yourself from the world
C)recognize that faith is the only guide to life
D)show that science cannot make successful predictions
E)none of these
Not all conceivable situations (e.g., time travel) are logically possible because they may
A)contain hidden contradictions.
B)violate the laws of nature.
C)contradict the teachings of the world's great religions.
D)violate human rights.
E)none of these
Causal possibility is a __ for logical possibility.
A)necessary condition
B)sufficient condition
If it rains, then the golf course will be closed. It is raining. Therefore, the golf course will be closed.
This argument form is
B)modus ponens.
C)modus tollens.
D)hypothetical syllogism.
E)disjunctive syllogism.
F)enumerative induction.
G)analogical induction.
A valid deductive argument that contains only true premises.
E)none of these
God exists because it is written in the Bible. The Bible is true because it is the word of God.
A)faulty analogy
B)appeal to tradition
C)begging the question
D)appeal to the masses
E)genetic fallacy
Which of the following is NOT true?
A)Socrates was a soldier.
B)Socrates was tried for defiling the gods and corrupting the youth.
C)Socrates thought he knew nothing.
D)Socrates was killed by hanging.
Warren's Moral Space Traveler thought experiment is intended to show that
A)all and only human beings are persons.
B)being a human being is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for being a person.
C)it is impossible for a nonhuman to be a person.
D)alien beings on other planets are persons.
Thomson's Diseased Musician thought experiment is intended to show that
A)a fetus always has a right to life.
B)a woman may not be morally obligated to share her body with a developing fetus.
C)a woman is morally obligated to share her body with a developing fetus.
D)a developing fetus has the same rights as a musician.

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