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Philosophy Web Resources
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Web Resources
The Euthyphro Problem
Abortion and Personhood
Thought Experiments
Scientific Method

Web Resources

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
A large collection of articles on various philosophical topics

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
A continually growing collection of articles on various philosophical topics
Large site with links to philosophers, issues, and online texts

Philosophy Around the Web
Set of links to philosophy sites maintained by Peter J. King (Oxford University)

Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
Collection of briefly annotated alphabetized links to philosophers, topics, associations, journals, e-texts, etc.; maintained by Peter Suber (Earlham College)

A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names
Helpful dictionary for brief biographies of philosophers and definitions of key concepts; also includes links to timeline, study guide, etc.; maintained by Garth Kemerling

University of Adelaide E-books
Large listing of e-texts, including many philosophical classics

The Internet Public Library Book Search
Collection of over 20,000 online titles, including many philosophical works

The U. Penn Online Books Page Book Search
Compilation of over 17,000 online titles, including many philosophical works

MIT Classics Archive
Assortment of plain text English translations of Greek and Latin works, including the Jowett translation of many of Plato's dialogues


Metaphysics: Multiple Meanings
( )
General overview of metaphysics including bibliography and Web links

Metaphysics Research Lab
Laboratory devoted to investigating the relations among abstract objects (Stanford University)

Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Metaphysics links
EpistemeLink link collection

Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling


Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

The Epistemology Research Guide
Compilation of links to courses, online papers, other epistemology sites, etc. by Keith Korcz (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

Epistemology links
Excellent source for general research including many Web links from EpistemeLinks.

Epistemological Connections
Links related to Epistemology.

An Introduction to Epistemology
General information and overview from Principia Cybernetica Web


Moral Philosophy
Overview from

Applied Ethics Resources on WWW
Large assortment of applied ethics links from the Centre for Applied Ethics (University of British Columbia)

Ethical theory links
EpistemeLink link collection


Mission Critical
An on-line tutorial for analyzing and evaluating arguments

Logic and Fallacies
An overview of the nature and purpose of logic

Informal Fallacies
Yet another online source of fallacy descriptions and examples

The Euthyphro Problem

Notes for Lecture #9
Lecture notes on Plato's Euthyphro by Alexander R. Pruss (Georgetown University)

Abortion and Personhood
Collection of information about various aspects of abortion and articles supporting various positions

Abortion: All sides of the Issue
Detailed overview of the issue, current legal situation, and arguments on various sides from

Detailed discussion of flaws in the key arguments used by both pro-life and pro-choice advocates; by Kelley Ross (Friesian School Proceedings), a pro-choice supporter

Abortion and Ethics
Collection of web resources from Lawrence Hinman's Ethics Updates (University of San Diego)

On Combating Abortion and Euthanasia
Letter of Pope John Paul II against abortion, May, 1991

National Right to Life
Home page of pro-life organization with information on medical and legislative issues

Catholic Encyclopedia article; detailed discussion of history of issue and Catholic Church's stance

Article for the pro-choice position by Judith Jarvis Thompson for the Boston Review, 1995

NOW and Abortion Rights/Reproductive Issues
Pro-choice resources from the National Organization for Women

The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL)
Home page of organization emphasizing importance of freedom of choice; contains links to current news articles, legal cases, etc.

National Abortion Federation
Home page of pro-choice organization with fact sheets, discussion of legal issues, etc.

The Case of Theresa Schiavo
Essay by Joan Didion on the Terry Schiavo case

Why Abortion is Biblical
Essay by Brian Elroy McKinley arguing for biblical support of abortion

Personhood and Death

Ethics and Personhood: Some Issues in Contemporary Neurological Science and Technology
Article by David L. Perry

Brain Death and Technological Change: Personal Identity, Neural Prostheses and Uploading
Article by James J. Hughes prepared for the Second International Symposium on Brain Death

Brain Death and Brain Injury Resources
End of life ethics links

Thought Experiments

Thought Experiments
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Thought Experiments
Article by John H. Lienhard (University of Houston)

Does Philosophy Offer Cognitive Science Distinctive Methods?
Article by Andrew Brook (Carleton University)


General information on Socratic philosophy and Web links, from the Philosophy Pages.

Scientific Method

Scientific Method
Wikipedia article

Introduction to the scientific method
Overview by Frank Wolfs (University of Rochester)

Scientific method
Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling


The Last Days of Socrates
Very helpful site with explanatory hyperlinks, diagrams, marginal notes, and text of Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and death scene from the Phaedo; maintained by Kent Anderson and Norm Freund (Clarke College)

Catholic Encyclopedia article

Greek philosophy
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article setting Socrates in context

Socrates: Philosophical Life
Synopses of Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito by Garth Kemerling

Commentary on Plato's Apology of Socrates
Extensive analysis of Plato's dialogue by Kelley Ross (Friesian School Proceedings)

Socrates on the immortality of the soul
Discussion by Sanderson Beck (World University)


Plato: Life and Works
Discussion of life and thought by Garth Kemerling

Plato's Republic
Discussion by Kelley L. Ross (Friesian School Proceedings)

Platonic Forms
Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling

Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling

Plato links
EpistemeLink link collection


Aristotle's Ethics
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Catholic Encyclopedia article

Aristotle links
EpistemeLink link collection

Aristotle: Life and Works
Discussion of life and thought by Garth Kemerling

Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell
Article on the life and work of Bertrand Russell from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Bertrand Russell Archives
McMaster University collection of Russell's writings.

Bertrand Russell Society
Society devoted to the study of Bertrand Russell.

Bertrand Russell Gallery
Site celebrating the life of Bertrand Russell.

Brand Blanshard

Brand Blanshard
A brief biography of Brand Blanshard from the Progressive Living website.

Brand Blanshard
Article on the life and work of Brand Blanshard from Wikipedia.

The Rational Temper
Article on how Brand Blanshard's philosophy affected his personal life.

Robert Nozick

Robert Nozick Dies at 63
Obituary of Robert Nozick by Ken Gewertz (Harvard University Gazette)

Interview with Robert Nozick
Interview with Robert Nozick by Laissez Faire Books.

Robert Nozick Resource Page
Links to works on Robert Nozick sponsored by the Policy Library

Nozick's Libertarianism: A Qualified Defense
Article on Nozick's political philosophy by Adriana Lukasova (Adobe File)

Doing PhilosophyOnline Learning Center

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