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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Hard determinists believe that
A)there are no free actions.
B)many of our actions are free.
C)very few of our actions are free.
D)all of our actions are free.
E)causes play no role in human actions.
Quantum Mechanics holds that the behavior of _______ are uncaused events.
A)subatomic particles
C)igneous rocks
D)Martian soil
E)extinct species
The view held by Hobbes that the world is composed entirely of matter in motion is called ____.
Hierarchial compatibilism explains why
A)drug addicts and people suffering from obsessive-compulsive do not act freely
B)animals do not have free will
C)people sometimes do not feel in control over their lives
D)all of these
E)none of these
Libertarians, like Robert Nozick, avoid the problem of an infinite regress of choices by ________.
A)positing self-subsuming principles
B)claiming that acts are the product of chance
C)arguing that our choices are grounded in environment and heredity
D)showing that we really do not make choices because we are not in control of our lives
Taylor's Drug Addiction thought experiment is intended to show that
A)the conditions specified by traditional compatibilism are not sufficient for acting freely.
B)even drug addicts act freely.
C)the conditions specified by traditional compatibilism are sufficient for acting freely.
D)your actions are free if they are externally unconstrained and are caused by your will.
Frankfurt's Decision Inducer thought experiment is intended to show that
A)you cannot be held responsible for an action if you couldn't have failed to perform it.
B)no one can be held responsible for an action.
C)you can be held responsible for an action as long as your choice is made consciously.
D)you can be held responsible for an action even if you couldn't have failed to perform it.
Frankfurt's Unwilling and Wanton Addicts thought experiment is intended to show that
A)if you do not formulate second-order volitions, or if you do not act on the ones you do form, your actions are not free.
B)some actions are not free.
C)drug addicts can never form second-order volitions.
D)if you formulate second-order volitions, or if you act on the ones you do form, your actions are not free.
Frankfurt's Happy Addict thought experiment is intended to show that
A)as long as you act on your first-order volitions, you are responsible for your actions, whether or not you could do otherwise.
B)you are responsible for your actions only if you could do otherwise.
C)as long as you act on your second-order volitions, you are responsible for your actions, whether or not you could do otherwise.
D)you are always responsible for your actions.
Slote's Hypnotized Patient thought experiment is intended to show that
A)some actions are not free.
B)there must be more to acting freely than acting on second-order volitions with which you decisively identify.
C)to act freely is to act on second-order volitions with which you decisively identify.
D)it's not possible to decisively identify with one's second-order volitions.

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