The Devil Made Me Do It: The law recognizes many types of excuses for criminal
behavior. What do you think should distinguish a legitimate excuse from an illegitimate
one? Freedom and Foreknowledge: If God knows
the future, can we have free will? Divine Omniscience and Human Freedom
Article by Donald H. Wacome defending the view that God is not omniscient Omniscience
and Freedom: A Case for the Opposition
Handout from Ron Barnette (Valdosta University) Legitimate Defenses: Could a traditional compatibilist accept as legitimate far-out legal defenses claiming that the agent's actions were out of his control ? Are We Puppets or Free Agents (,1286,65990,00.html)
This article looks at free will legal defenses in the context of neuroscience. The Twinkie Defense (
The facts behind the “Twinkie Defense.” Diminished capacity as opposed to not guilty by reason of insanity ( Explanation of the difference between a diminished capacity defense and an insanity plea The Book of Life: Suppose a perfect
predictor super wrote a book chronicling every moment of your life. Could you
do otherwise than what is written? Free Will
Article by Walter E. Requadt from arguing that there couldn't
be a perfect predictor because of randomness John
Calvin: On Predestination
Selection from Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion (The Modern
History Sourcebook, Fordham University) Behavior Modification: If behavior modification could successfully be used to alter criminals' personalities and remove their anti-social desires, should we use it?Should we cure bad behavior? ( Report by Ronald Bailey from Reasononline on the neurological sources of violence.Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Programs for Criminal Offenders ( Report from the University of Maryland School of Social Work on the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy on criminals.Faking Free Will: Does the fact that the belief in hard determinism leads to immoral behavior count against hard determinism?
The Value of Believing in Free Will ( Article by Vohs and Schooer on howbelief in determinism increases cheating.Free Will: Now You Have It, Now You Don't ( Report by Dennis Overbye of the New York Times on current controversies regarding free will.Prosocial Benefits of Feeling Free: Disbelief in Free Will Increases Aggression and Reduces Helpfulness ( Article by Baumeister, Masicampo, and DeWall on the negative effects of belief in determinism.Defending Determinism: Is determinism
self-refuting? Materialism is Self-refuting
Excerpt from C.S. Lewis's Miracles Genetic Cleansing: Should we use genetic
engineering to alter our psychological make-up? BLTC Research
Mission Statement of an organization devoted to altering the human genome
to eliminate suffering Council for Responsible Genetics
Home page of an organization dedicated to fostering public debate about the
ethical and environmental implications of genetic technology Genetic Engineering and Its Dangers
Set of links provided by Ron Epstein (San Francisco State University) Living with Hard Determinism: If hard determinists are correct and there is no free will, how must we change society to accommodate that fact?Minority Report: Would it be wrong to prepunish people you have good reason to believe will commit a crime?Future Law ( Article by Roy Sorenson on the perils and potential of prepunishment.Guilty Minds and Pre-Crime: Is having a guilty mind—an intent to commit a crime—enough to lock someone up?The brain scan that can read people's minds ( Report by Ian Sample from The Guardian on the brain scan that reads intentions.Brain scan can read your intentions ( Research report on the new brain scanning technologies.Brain imaging and courtroom evidence (
Article by Neil Fegenson in the International Journal of Law on the admissibility of brain scans as evidence.Neuroimaging and Capital Punishment ( Report by Carter Snead in the New Atlantis on the use of brain scans in courts of law.Religious Cults: Could a compatibilist claim that those who join religious cults have lost their free will?Allegations of brainwashing by new religious movements ( Exploration of the claim that religious cults engage in brainwashing.Coercive persuasion (brainwashing), religious cults, and deprogramming ( Article by JT Ungerleider and DK Wellisch in the American Journal of Psychiatry on the effects of deprogramming on cult members.Brainwashing, thought control, and the cults ( Article from the Cult Awareness and Information Center on brainwashing.Mind Control (brainwashing) ( Article by Robert Carroll from his Skeptic's Dictionary on brainwashing. Newcomb's Paradox: Consider the deal described on page 188. Would you choose
option (1) or option (2)? Quantum Solution to Newcomb's Paradox
Article by Edward W. Piotrowski (University of Bialtystok) using quantum
mechanics to solve the paradox (Adobe File) Brain Stimulation: Should we directly stimulate people's
brains to affect their behavior? Electro-stimulation of the Brain: A History
Article from Physical Control of the Mind
Excerpt from Jose Delgado's book, Physical Control of the Mind The Orgasmic Brain
Excerpts from the Three Pound Universe by Judith Hooper and Dick Teresi discussing
the perils and potential of "wireheading" (wiring the brain) The Mind Stealers
Excerpt from Samual Chavkins, The Mind Stealers: Psychosurgury and Mind
Control identifying the ways in which scientists are trying to control
behavior Jose Delgado ( Site describing the life and work of brain stimulation pioneer, Jose Delgado. Wireheading Hedonism ( Site promoting direct stimulation of the brain. Doctor Discovers the Orgasmatron ("> Report on Dr. Meloy's device for creating an orgasm through neural stimulation. The Battle for your Brain ( Critical examination of the arguments against using brain control technology. George Orwell meets the Matrix ( Timeline indicating the major advancements in brain control by Maureen Farrell. Brain Scanning: Don't Even Think About Lying ( Article describing the new brain scanning technology designed to detect lying by Steve Silberman. Brainwashing: Can someone who has been effectively brainwashed act
freely? Mind Control
Homepage of FACTnet, Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network The Return of the Brainwashing Defense
Article by Jack Hitt from the New York Times, December 15, 2002 Mind
Entry from the Skeptics Dictionary maintained by Robert Todd Carroll Project MKULTRA ( Wikipedia article describing the CIA's mind control program Brainwashing victims win cash award (,,2090-1313808,00.html) Victims of the CIA's mind control program are awarded compensation. The Willing Bank Teller: According to Frankfurt, would a bank teller who
turned over money to a bank robber act freely? Is Free Won't Enough for Free Will?The neuroscience of free will ( Article by Chris Lind exploring the implications of Libet's experiment.Endogenous Inhibition and the Neural Basis of "Free Won't" ( Article by Giovanni Mirabelli in the Journal of Neuroscience on Free Won'tLibet's Experiment: Does Libet's delay show that free will is an illusion? Benjamin Libet - a short delay (
A detailed discussion of Libet's experiment. Free Will Starts ... Now (
Another discussion of Libet, with interesting information about a follow up study done as a tribute to Libet. Free Will and Free Won't (
American Scientist article on Libet's experiments and “free won't.” Self-consciousness
and Free Will: Is it possible for a self-conscious being not to have free will? Human Thinking
Article from the Principia Cybernetica Web arguing that our ability to control
associations among ideas is the origin of thought and free will Free Androids:
Could a computer have free will? Free Will--Even for Robots
Article by John McCarthy on the possibility of robotic free will Flesh, Robots,
and God
Interview with Rodney Brooks by John Glassie for Truly Intelligent Computers
Article by Charles W. Baily, Jr. (University of Houston) exploring the properties
of truly intelligent computers
How to Dispose of the Free Will Issue
Article by Aaron Sloman (University of Binghamton – Adobe File) Robots
and Rights: The Ethical Demands of Artificial Agents
Article by Matthew Elton (University of Stirling) |