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Philosophy Web Resources
(See related pages)

The Nature of Personal Identity
Personal Identity
Mind Uploading and Transhumanism
Near Death Experiences
Multiple Personality Disorder
Personhood and Death
The Soul Theory
The Memory Theory
The Brain Theory
Closest Continuer Theory
Psychological Continuity Theory
Buddhists on the Self and Nirvana
St. Augustine
John Locke
Derek Parfit

Personal Identity

Personal Identity
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Mind Uploading and Transhumanism

Introduction to mind uploading

Mind Uploading Home Page
Philosophy and science of mind uploading

World Transhumanist Association
Organization devoted to furthering the philosophy of transhumanism

Extropy Institute
Institute devoted to articulating and implementing transhumanist principles

Maintaining Identity
PDF download. Chapter from Win Phillip's masters thesis maintained by the Mind Project

Seven Positions on Personal Identity
Article by Lee Corbin cataloguing different views on personal identity

Near Death Experiences

Near Death Research Foundation
Links to numerous published papers on the near death experience.


Reincarnation: Its Meaning and Consequences
Comparison of Hindu and Buddhist views of reincarnation

Arguments Supporting Reincarnation
Article by William Q. Judge

C.D. Broad on Survival After Death
Philosopher C.D. Broad explores the possibility of life after death.

Multiple Personality Disorder

Multiple Personality Resources
Links to sites dealing with multiple personality disorder

Multiple Personality and Personal Identity Revisited
Article by John Lizza

Personhood and Death

Ethics and Personhood: Some Issues in Contemporary Neurological Science and Technology
Article by David L. Perry

Brain Death and Technological Change: Personal Identity, Neural Prostheses and Uploading
Article by James J. Hughes prepared for the Second International Symposium on Brain Death

Brain Death and Brain Injury Resources
End of life ethics links

Brain Injury and Brain Death Resources
Links to numerous articles relating to brain death compiled by the Network for the Definition of Death.


Harold Noonan: Arguments Against Animalism
Article by Harold Noonan against animalism

Lynne Rudder Baker: Reply to Noonan
Reply to Noonan's paper by Lynne Rudder Baker (University of Massachusetts)

Thinking Animals and the Constitution View
A defense of animalism by one of its most prominent proponents, Eric Olson (Churchill College, Cambridge)

Survival of the Sentient
A critique of animalism by Peter Unger (New York University - Adobe File)

The Bounds of Agency within the Unity of Consciousness
A critique of both animalism and the psychological continuity theory by Mark Brown (University of Wisconsin)

The Hensel Twins
A short history of the Hensel Twins.

The Freedom of Love
( )
Article on the Hensel twins by Mary Kliewer

The Hensel Twins
( )
Information on the Hensel twins

The Soul Theory

The Immateriality of the Soul and Personal Identity
Supplemental article from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Thought Experiments and the Soul
Article by Kelly L. Ross (Los Angeles Valley College)

Arguments Supporting Reincarnation
Article by William Q. Judge defending reincarnation

The Memory Theory

Self and Identity as Memory
Article by John F. Kihlstrom & Jennifer S. Beer Stanley B. Klein (University of California at Berkeley)

The Memory Theory: Logical Worries
Lecture notes by Ben Theis (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

The Brain Theory

The Diachronic Self
Dissertation on personal identity by Max Moore (Extropy Institute)

Brain Transplants
Article on the possibility of brain transplants by BBC news.

Dualism: An Empirical Test
Implications of brain transplants for theories of the self by Peter J. King (University of North London)

Closest Continuer Theory

Personal Survival and the Closest Continuer Theory
Article by Jeff Johnson (Eastern Oregon University)

Causal Conditions of Continuity
Discussion of the closest continuer theory by Max Moore (Extropy Institute)

Maintaining Identity
PDF download. Chapter from Win Phillip's masters thesis maintained by the Mind Project

Psychological Continuity Theory

Buddhists on the Self and Nirvana

Annata: The Concept of No-Self in Buddhism
This article explains the arcane concept.

The No-Self Theory: Hume, Buddhism, and Personal Identity
An in-depth article on the Buddhist view and the question of whether there actually is such a thing as “personal identity”

Buddhism in a Nutshell
Article on anatta or soul-lessness by Narada Thera.

The Buddhist Concept of Anatta
Article comparing Hinduism and Buddhism on the nature of the self by V. Jayaram.

St. Augustine

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Augustine of Hippo
Wikipedia article

Life of St. Augustine of Hippo
Catholic Encyclopedia article

John Locke

John Locke
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

John Locke
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

John Locke works online
Works of John Locke on the web.

John Locke Bibliography
A list of recent publications about John Locke

History of Philosophy: John Locke
Discussion of Locke's life and thought by Alfred Weber (University of Strasburg)

John Locke: The Case Against Innate Epistemic Principles
Discussion by Francis F. Steen (U. C. L. A.)

Locke links
EpistemeLink link collection

John Locke: Life and Works
Discussion of life and thought by Garth Kemerling

Derek Parfit

Morality and Personal Identity
An examination of the relation between morality and personal identity by Torbjorn Tannsjo (Gothenberg University - Adobe File)

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