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Thought Probes
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The Nature of Personal Identity: What sort of changes can you undergo and remain the same person?

A Different Person: How different from Kathleen Soliah is Sarah Jane Olsen?

Kathleen Soliah aka Sarah Jane Olsen
Wikipedia article on Kathleen Soliah.

The Haunting of Patty Hearst - Kathleen Soliah
More on the story of Kathleen Soliah and the SLA.

Letters in Support of Sara Jane Olson
Friends of Sara Jane Olson write letters testifying to her change in character.

Dolphins: Are Dolphins Persons?

Is a dolphin a person?
Article by philosopher Mary Midgely defending the view that dolphins could be persons.

Dolphins Save Surfer
Youtube video from NBC news about a surfer saved from a shark by dolphins.

Hobbes's Ship of Theseus: Which of the two ships (the continuously repaired ship or the ship made out of the original planks) is identical to Theseus's ship?

Relative Identity
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Identity, Persistence, and the Ship of Theseus
Lecture notes from Marc Cohen (University of Washington)

Identity through Time
Chapter from Metaphysical Theories and Philosophical Constraints by Norman Swartz (Simon Fraser University)

Is Rachael a Person? Would a test for emphatic ability or emotional intelligence be a legitimate test for personhood?

The Sci Phi Show - Blade Runner & What is it to be human?
A podcast offering an interesting view on “Voight-Kampf” as a test for personhood. Fast-forward about a quarter of the way into the podcast to get to the meat of the show.

Wikipedia article on personhood.

Permanently Unconscious: What is the definition of death? Should we accept a higher brain definition of death?

Ethics and Personhood: Some Issues in Contemporary Neurological Science and Technology
Article by David L. Perry

An alternative conceptual structure for the resolution of end-of-life
Thesis on the problems associated with those in a permanent vegetative state

Is Our Changing Definition of Death for the Better?
Article by Peter Singer

Brain Death and Brain Injury Resources
Portal to various resources on the issues behind brain death and persistent vegetative states.

Brain Death and Technological Change: Personal Identity, Neural Prostheses and Uploading
Article by James J. Hughes prepared for the Second International Symposium on Brain Death

Safe Cloning: Would it be wrong to try to achieve immortality via mind transfers into clones?

Wikipedia article on Raelism

Raelians Sucessfully Clone Naturalism
Another article on Raelism and their beliefs and claims about human cloning.

Mind Transfer
Wikipedia article on mind transfer.

The Duplicates Paradox
Ben Best on the problem of duplicates that arises from the issues of cloning and mind transfer.

Siamese Twins: Would Siamese twins that share the same body but have two heads be the same person?

The Freedom of Love
Article on the Hensel twins by Mary Kliewer

The Hensel Twins
Information on the Hensel twins

Near-death Experiences: Are near-death experiences evidence for the existence of the soul?

International Association for Near Death Studies
Home page of an association devoted to the study of near-death experiences

Near-death Experiences and the Afterlife
Collection of links on near-death experiences maintained by Kevin Williams

Near-Death Experience
Article from the Skeptic's Dictionary maintained by Robert Todd Carroll

Electrodes Trigger Out-of-Body Experience
Article by Helen Pearson from Nature (2002) describing recent findings of neurophysiologists

Near Death Research Foundation
Links to numerous published papers on the near death experience.

Souls in Heaven: What happens to souls in heaven? Do children grow up? Are cripples made whole? Will the insane become sane? Can the soul theory answer these questions?

Do Souls Go to Heaven?
Article by Anthony Buzzard (Atlanta Bible College)

Problems with Heaven
Article by Michael Martin (Boston University)

What Happens at the Time of our Death?
Summary article from

Sleepwalking and Murder: Are sleepwalkers different people from their waking counterparts?

Can Sleepwalking be a Murder Defense?
Discussion by Dr. Lawrence Martin of "homicidal somnambulism."

How Sleepwalking Can Lead to Killing
Laura Smith-Spark of BBC News reports on the sleepwalking murder case of Jules Lowe.

Sleepwalker is Cleared of Murder
Report by Russell Jenkins in the Times Online on the Jules Lowe case.

Automatism: The Sleepwalker's Defense
Bibliography of articles dealing with the sleepwalking defense.

Memory Damping: Should drugs that erase memories be made generally available?

Pill to erase bad memories: Ethical furor over drugs that threaten human identity
David Derrbyshire discusses the ethical issues raised by memory damping.

Drugs for Erasing Memories
Report by Scott LaFee in the San Diego Union Tribune on research into memory damping drugs.

Common pressure drug may banish fears, post-traumatic stress
Report by Mohit Joshi on research into propranolol.

Personal Identity and Memory erasure
Article by Nakazawa Eisuke on the threat of memory erasure to personal identity.

Merging of the Minds: Is losing one's self by merging one's mind with others a desirable thing?

Selfhood and Identity
A study by David Ho of Eastern and Western conceptions of personal identity.

Personal Survival and the Closest Continuer Theory
Article by Jeff Johnson on the prospects for survival after death.

The compatibility of religiouis and transhumanist versions of metaphysics
Comparative analysis by Robert Hughes regarding different views of the self.

Multiple Personalities: Would destroying the memories of a personality in a person suffering from multiple personality disorder be an act of murder? Why or why not?

Existential Issues in Multiple Personality
Collection of links relating to multiple personality disorder

Multiple Personality Resources
Links to sites dealing with multiple personality disorder

Multiple Personality as a Failure of Autobiographical Memory
Article by Mark Brown

Multiple Personality and Personal Identity Revisited
Article by John Lizza

Were you ever a fetus? If your identity extends only as far as your memories, then were you ever a fetus?

Soul Catcher: Suppose scientists succeed in making a computer chip that can record all of the experiences of one's life. Should such a chip be made generally available?

The End of Death: Soul Catcher Chip Due
Article by Robert Uhlig from the Electronic Telegraph on British Telecom's plans to create a chip to record experiences

Ghosts, Computers, and Chinese Whispers
Article by Toby Howard (University of Manchester) on the implications of the soul catcher chip

The Melding of Mind with Machine May Be the Next Stage of Evolution
Article by Rob Fixmer from the New York Times

Peter Cochrane will Microprocess your Soul
Article by Wendy Grossman from Wired

Is Darth Vader Anakin Skywalker? When Anakin Skywalker joined the dark side and became Darth Vader, did he literally become a different person?

Is Anakin Skywalker an Evil Person?
An essay on whether Anakin Skywalker himself is “evil” that touches on personal identity

Darth Vader
Wikipedia article on Darth Vader

Anakin Skywalker
Wikipedia article on Anakin Skywalker

Past-Life Hypnotic Regression: Does past-life hypnotic regression provide good evidence for reincarnation?

Past Life Regression
Article from the Skeptic's Dictionary maintained by Robert Todd Carroll

Hypnotic Regression
Article from the Institute for Afterlife Research

Transporter travel: Would you use a Parfit-style transporter to travel from one place to another?

The Duplicates Paradox
Article by Ben Best on the reduplication problem

Maintaining Identity
PDF download. Chapter from Win Phillip's masters thesis maintained by the Mind Project

Can You Go to Heaven? Can a person in heaven who does not have your physical body be numerically identical to you?

Transhumanist Ethics
Article by Nick Bostrum (Yale University) on the possibility of physical immortality (Adobe File)

Can You Go to Heaven?
Article by Theodore Schick (Muhlenberg College)

Body Transplants: Does your identity reside in your brain? Would you survive a full body transplant?

Full Body Transplant
Article on Dr. White and his transplantations

If a man appeared tomorrow possessing every conceivable attribute of Socrates, is there any chance that he is the same person as Plato's Tutor?
Essay on the brain as the locus for personal identity

Alien Hand Syndrome: Who Is Behind the Hand? Could the agent behind an alien hand be a person?

'Alien Hand' Syndrome Turns Limbs Monstrous
Article on Alien Hand Syndrome

Splitting the Human Brain
Paul Pietsch's article on the split human brain.

The Fragile Orchestra
Article about Alien Hand Syndrome and other strange disorders

Being Clive Waring: Is Clive Waring one person, even though he has no continuous chain of memory?

Self and Identity as Memory
A very in-depth article on the self as memory, including empirical studies and discussions of amnesia

Anterograde Amnesia
Wikipedia article on the inability to form new memories after an injury.

Retrograde Amnesia
Wikipedia article on the inability to recall memories after an injury.

Branch Lines: Does your identity depend on the existence of other people?

The Duplicates Paradox
Article by Ben Best on the reduplication problem

Maintaining Identity
Chapter from Win Phillip's masters thesis maintained by the Mind Project

Robert and Frank: Should a person be punished for what a former, very different stage of himself did?

Does Punishment for 'Culpable Indifference' Simply Punish for 'Bad Character'?
Article by Keith W. Simons (Boston University School of Law)

Justification of Punishment
Article by Richard Garlikov

Morality and Personal Identity
Article by Torbjorn Tannsjo (Gothenberg University)

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