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Multiple Choice Quiz
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What makes an action right for someone is that it is approved by that person.
A)ethical egoism
B)categorical imperative
C)subjective relativism
D)virtue theory
Differing moral judgments are not necessarily the product of differing moral standards because the difference in judgment could be due to a difference in:
A)factual beliefs
E)none of these
Something that is valuable for its own sake is said to have
A)intrinsic value.
B)extrinsic value.
C)instrumental value.
D)material value.
E)none of these
According to utilitarians, the only thing that is intrinsically valuable is
A)a good will.
According to Kant's categorical imperative, which of the following is a necessary condition for the moral acceptability for an action?
A)it does not violate any legal laws.
B)everyone can act on it.
C)it produces more happiness than unhappiness.
D)it does not defy accepted social norms.
E)none of these
Which of the following is a formulation of the categorical imperative:
A)Never cause harm to another.
B)Love your neighbor as yourself.
C)Treat others as ends in themselves and never merely as a means.
D)Never lie.
Feinberg's Single-Minded Hedonist thought experiment is intended to show that
A)we can be happy only if we desire our own happiness.
B)psychological hedonism is false.
C)we desire things because they make us happy.
D)psychological hedonism is true.
Ewing's Innocent Criminal thought experiment is intended to show that
A)utilitarianism could sanction punishing a person to increase overall happiness, even if he doesn't deserve punishment.
B)utility and justice amount to the same thing.
C)utilitarianism would never sanction punishing a person merely to increase overall happiness.
D)sometimes innocent people should be punished for the good of society.
Ewing's Prudent Diplomat thought experiment is intended to show that
A)an evil act cannot also be right.
B)lying or killing an innocent person is always evil, but it is not always wrong.
C)all evil acts are wrong.
D)lying or killing an innocent person is always wrong.
Stocker's Hospitalized Patient thought experiment is intended to show that
A)we should visit hospitalized patients only out of a sense of duty.
B)acting purely out of a sense of duty is always a good thing.
C)acting purely out of a sense of duty is not always a good thing.
D)no normal person acts solely out of a concern for other people.

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