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Philosophy Web Resources
(See related pages)

The Nature of Morality
Universal Human Rights
Ethics (The Problem of Morality)
Applied Ethics
Capital Punishment
Cultural Relativism
Divine Command Theory
Ayn Rand on the Virtue of Selfishness
Rule Utilitarianism
Categorical Imperative
Pluralistic Formalism
Virtue Ethics
Jeremy Bentham
John Stuart Mill
Immanuel Kant
John Rawls
Alasdair MacIntyre
The Buddha

Universal Human Rights

The Challenge of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity
“United Nations Background Note” on the tension between Universal Human Rights and Cultural Relativism

Cultural Relativism of Human Rights
A Pakistani newspaper op-ed on cultural relativism vs. universal human rights

Are Human Rights Universal? The Relativist Challenge and Related Matters
Extensive article on human rights by Michael J. Perry

Ethics (The Problem of Morality)

The Definition of Morality
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Wikipedia article

Catholic Encyclopedia article

Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling

Applied Ethics

Applied Ethics Resources on WWW
Large assortment of applied ethics links from the Centre for Applied Ethics (University of British Columbia)

Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
Site containing articles, cases, briefings, etc. and applied ethics links from Santa Clara University

Applied Ethics links
EpistemeLink link collection


Voluntary Euthanasia
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide
Detailed overview of the issue and current legal situation from

International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
FAQs, information about advanced directives, the situation in the Netherlands, etc. from a perspective that opposes legalization
Collection of articles from organization against euthanasia

Compassion & Choices
Home page of an organization "promoting end-of-life choice"

Capital Punishment

Capital punishment
Wikipedia article

Capital Punishment (the Death Penalty)
Catholic Encyclopedia article discussing history of capital punishment across the world

Capital Punishment--The Death Penalty: Pro and Anti
Detailed overview of the issue, current legal situation, and arguments on both sides from

Punishment and the Death Penalty
Collection of web resources from Lawrence Hinman's Ethics Updates (University of San Diego)

Website Against the Death Penalty
Arguments against the death penalty from Amnesty International

The Death Penalty and the Catholic Church
( )
Site with information on the death penalty and the Catholic Church's opposition to it

Executing the Innocent
Article opposing capital punishment by Elizabeth A. Linehan (St. Joseph's University) for Paideia

The Case Against the Death Penalty
Lengthy discussion by Hugo Adam Bedau (Tufts University)

Capital Punishment and Human Rights
Essay on the incompatibility of accepting both natural rights theory and capital punishment by Dr. Jonathan Dolhenty (The Radical Academy)

The Ultimate Punishment: A Defense
Article in favor of capital punishment by Ernest van den Haag (Fordham University)

Wesley Lowe's Pro Capital Punishment Webpage
Detailed set of arguments for the death penalty

Collection of resources from a group in favor of capital punishment

The Death Penalty: A Defense
Online book supporting capital punishment by David Anderson


Moral relativism
Wikipedia article

Is Morality a Matter of Taste?
Article by Theodore Schick (Muhlenberg College)

Rachels Chapter 3: Subjectivism in Ethics
Lecture notes on simple subjectivism and emotivism by Larry Hauser (Alma College)

Rachels Chapter 3: Ethical Subjectivism
Lecture notes on simple subjectivism and emotivism by Carla Fehr (Iowa State University)


Wikipedia article

Cultural Relativism

Detailed discussion by Kelley Ross (Friesian School Proceedings)

Ethical Relativism
Article by Claire Andre and Manuel Velasquez from Issues in Ethics, 1992; summarizes and criticizes ethical relativism

The Myth of Moral Relativism
Essay criticizing ethical relativism by Dr. Jonathan Dolhenty (The Radical Academy)

Criticism of various sorts of relativism, including ethical relativism from a Christian perspective (CARN)

Famous cultural relativists
List of ethical relativists from Quantonics

Ethical Relativism, Universalism, Absolutism
Overview of various positions and several arguments for them by Stefan Sencerz and Andy Piker (Texas A&M)

Divine Command Theory

Morality Requires God... or Does It?
Article by Theodore Schick, Jr. for Free Inquiry magazine

What the hell is Hell?
A site full of information on hell

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Hell

Arguments for Universalism
This page presents arguments for “Christian Universalism,” which is the belief that all beings go to heaven.

Universalism in Christianity
Christian Universalism on Wikipedia


Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Catholic Encyclopedia article

Varieties of Egoism and Hedonism
Overview and discussion of related arguments by William J. Talbott (University of Washington)

A Survey of Selected Internet Resources on Ethical Egoism
Collection of web resources from Lawrence Hinman's Ethics Updates (University of San Diego)

Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling

Ayn Rand on the Virtue of Selfishness

Virtue of Selfishness
Article on Ayn Rand's concept of selfishness

Ayn Rand
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Rand


Wikipedia article

Catholic Encyclopedia article

Philosophy 361 Course Materials: Lectures on Mill's Utilitarianism
Lecture notes for an ethics course, including 5 on Mill's ethics, by Szephen Darwall (University of Michigan)
Collection of links on utilitarianism with focus on altruistic implications

Collection of web resources from Lawrence Hinman's Ethics Updates (University of San Diego)

Greatest Happiness Principle
Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling

Rule Utilitarianism

Definition from The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy

Rule utilitarianism
Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling

Categorical Imperative

Immanuel Kant: Metaphysics
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article covering both Kant's theoretical philosophy and his moral philosophy

Notes on the 2nd Form of the Categorical Imperative
Lecture notes on Kant's notion of respect by Alexander R. Pruss (Georgetown University)

Kant and Kantian Ethics
Collection of web resources from Lawrence Hinman's Ethics Updates (University of San Diego)

Pluralistic Formalism

Ross, W. D.
Brief biography by Garth Kemerling

Discussion of key elements of Ross' moral theory by Harry J. Gensler (John Carroll University)

Sir David Ross' Pluralistic Theory of Duty (The Beginnings)
In-depth discussion by Ken Cooley (University of Wisconsin)


Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Original Position
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on Rawls' notion of the original position


Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Critiques of Libertarianism
Collection of articles against libertarianism

Libertarianism: A Primer
On-line book about libertarianism by David Boaz

What is Libertarianism?
Article by Martin Masse

Virtue Ethics

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Virtue Theory
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Ethics and Virtue
Overview of virtue ethics from the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (Santa Clara University)

Literature on Aristotle and Virtue Ethics
Collection of web resources from Lawrence Hinman's Ethics Updates (University of San Diego)

Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling

Jeremy Bentham

Bentham, Jeremy
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Catholic Encyclopedia article

Biographies: Jeremy Bentham
Discussion of Bentham's life and philosophy by lawyer and lecturer Peter Landry

The Bentham Project
Biography, online texts, etc.; maintained by Irena Nicoll (University College London)

Bentham links
EpistemeLink link collection

Bentham, Jeremy
Brief biography by Garth Kemerling

John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

John Stuart Mill
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

John Stuart Mill: Life and Works
Discussion of life and thought by Garth Kemerling

Biographies: John Stuart Mill
Discussion of Mill's life and philosophy by lawyer and lecturer Peter Landry

Mill links
EpistemeLink link collection

Immanuel Kant

Immanuel Kant
Discussion from Faithnet

Kant on the Web
Useful set of links collected by Steve Palmquist (Hong Kong Baptist University)

Kant links
EpistemeLink link collection

Immanuel Kant: Life and Works
Discussion of life and thought by Garth Kemerling

John Rawls

Rawls links
EpistemeLink link collection

Alasdair MacIntyre

The Achievement of Alasdair MacIntyre
Overview of Alasdair MacIntyre's contribution to ethics by Edward Oakes.


Aristotle's Ethics
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Catholic Encyclopedia article

Aristotle links
EpistemeLink link collection

Aristotle: Life and Works
Discussion of life and thought by Garth Kemerling

The Buddha

The Eightfold Path
Article on Buddhism's Eightfold Path

A View from the Buddhist Middle Way
A history of the middle way by Ian Clark.

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