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Philosophy Web Resources
(See related pages)

The Nature of God: How consistent is your view of God?
Evolution vs. Creationism
Big Bang
Faith vs. Evidence
Cosmological Argument
Teleological Argument (Argument from Design)
Ontological Argument
Pascal's Wager
Problem of Evil
St. Anselm
Blaise Pascal
St. Thomas Aquinas

The Nature of God : How consistent is your view of God?

Battleground God:
( )
A game designed to test the consistency of your view of God from The Philosophers' Magazine Online


Battleground God
Game to test the coherence of your beliefs about religion from The Philosopher's Magazine Online

Wikipedia article

The Justification of Theism
Article by Richard Swinburne (Oxford University)

Theism, Atheism, and Rationality
Article by Alvin Plantinga (University of Notre Dame)

Collection of articles critiquing theism from the Internet Infidels

Arguments for Theism
Critique of several arguments for theism from the Freethought Zone

Skeptical Theism
Collection of articles critiquing traditional theism


World Union of Deism
Links to articles on the history and philosophy of Deism.

Wikipedia article on deism.

Article on the history, beliefs, and practices of Deism from

English Deism
Article on Deism in England from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.


Article on Pantheism from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

World Pantheism
Homepage of the World Pantheist Movement.

Wikipeia article on Pantheism.


Wikipedia article on Gnosticism.

The Gnosis Archive
Resources on Gnsoticism and the Gnostic tradition.

Ancient Gnosticism
History, beliefs, and practices of the ancient Gnostics.

The Gnostic World View
A brief summary of the Gnostic world view.

Article on Gnosticism from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.


Wikipedia article

Catholic Encyclopedia article

The Atheism Web
Collection to web resources pertaining to atheism

Positive Atheism
Site discussing the history, ethics, and philosophy of atheism

American Atheists
Site devoted to maintaining the separation of church and state and the constitutional rights of atheists

Collection of articles maintained by

The Atheist Alliance
Home Page of national atheist organization; library section includes links to numerous online articles and essays


Agnosticism: Uncertainty about the Existence of God
Definition, quotations by well-known agnostics, and collection of links on agnosticism from

What is agnosticism?
Clarification of the meaning of the term from

Skeptical Theism
Links to articles critical of theism and supernaturalism.

Evolution vs. Creationism

National Center for Science Education
Collection of pamphlets on evolution and against the teaching of creationism from the National Center for Science Education

Frequently Encountered Criticisms in Evolution vs. Creationism: 2002 Edition
Collection of responses to criticisms made by creationists

The Talk.Origins Archive
Usenet newsgroup devoted to exploring the evolution/creationism controversy

Evolution/Creationism FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions concerning the evolution/creationism controversy at

Intelligent Design: A Special Report from Natural History Magazine
Leading evolution and creationism proponents respond to each others views

Intelligent Design Network
Site promoting the teaching of intelligent design

Creation Science Resource
Searchable archive of links to numerous online essays relevant to creationism, legal cases, etc.
Multi-language advocacy web site for creationism

Answers in Genesis
Web site with links to articles in defense of creationism

Institute for Creation Research: A Christ-Focused Creation Ministry
Collection of news articles and responses to criticisms of creationism

Big Bang

Big Bang Cosmology
Overview from NASA

Big Bang Science: exploring the origins of matter
Discussion from the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council

Big Bang Cosmology Primer
Discussion of the theory by Paul Shestople (Berkeley Cosmology Group)

Stephen Hawking, the Big Bang, and God
Transcript of lecture by Henry "Fritz" Schaefer III given at University of Colorado, 1994

Big Bang Philosophy
( )
Site devoted to exploring the philosophical implications of the big bang

The Existence of God and the Beginning of the Universe
Article by William Lane Craig (Universite Catholique de Louvain) in defense of the kalam cosmological argument for the existence of God

Faith vs. Evidence

Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling

Catholic Encyclopedia article

Talks on Faith and Reason
Videos of a number of philosophers discussing the problem of faith and reason.

Theologians on the Internet
Critical analysis of theologians on the internet including Alvin Plantinga, Richard Swinburne, and William Lane Craig.

God and Science
Christian apologetics using science to prove the existence of God.

Cosmological Argument

Philosophy of Religion: Cosmological Argument
Collection of briefly annotated links from R. A. Bowie (RS-Web)

The Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God
Detailed analysis of Aquinas' "first way" by Gideon Rosen (Princeton University)

Lecture #2: Introduction to the Cosmological Argument
Lecture notes by Robert Koons (University of Texas)

Lecture #6: Contemporary Versions of the Cosmological Argument: Taylor, Adler
Lecture notes by Robert Koons (University of Texas)

Teleological Argument (Argument from Design)

Argument from design
Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling

The Argument from Design
Detailed analysis by Gideon Rosen (Princeton University)

Fallacies of Paley's Argument
Criticisms of Paley's version of the design argument by Thomas E. Hart (The Victorian Web)

Catholic Encyclopedia article

Lecture #15: Critiques of the Design Argument: Hume
Lecture notes by Robert Koons (University of Texas)

Creation vs. Science
Critical analysis of creationist arguments.

Evolution: Converging Lines of Evidence
Critique of a number of creationist claims.

Critique of Intelligent Design
Links to articles critical of intelligent design.

Ontological Argument

Ontological Arguments
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Ontological argument
Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling

The Ontological Argument
Brief discussion from Faithnet

Philosophy of Religion: Ontological Argument
Collection of briefly annotated links from R. A. Bowie (RS-Web)

Anselm's Ontological Argument
Detailed analysis by Gideon Rosen (Princeton University)

Philosophers' Criticisms of Anselm's Ontological Argument
Collection of primary source material on the ontological argument by Descartes, Locke, Kant, etc.; from the Medieval Sourcebook (Fordham University)

Pascal's Wager

Pascal's Wager
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Pascal's Wager
Detailed analysis by Gideon Rosen (Princeton University)

Pascal's Wager Refuted
Summary and brief set of objections by Theodore Drange (West Virginia University )

Problem of Evil

Catholic Encyclopedia article

Catholic Encyclopedia article

The Problem of Natural Evil
Essay by Dennis Bratcher (The Christian Resource Institute)

Toward a View of Natural Evil
Reflections by Kenneth Grider (

Lecture #19:The Problem of Evil: Preliminaries
Lecture notes by Robert Koons (University of Texas)

Philosophy of Religion: Problem of Evil
Collection of briefly annotated links from R. A. Bowie (RS-Web)

The Problem of Evil
Detailed analysis by Gideon Rosen (Princeton University)

Leibniz on the Problem of Evil
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Karma and the Problem of Evil in India
Detailed discussion by Kelley Ross (Friesian School Proceedings)

Lecture #21: The Free Will Defense
( )
Lecture notes by Robert Koons (University of Texas)

Lecture #22: Mackie's Critique of the Free Will Defense...
Lecture notes by Robert Koons (University of Texas)

Does the Free-Will Defense Constitute a Sound Theodicy?
Essay by Niclas Berggren (The Ratio Institute) against the free will defense

Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling

Evil and Free Will
Critical discussion of the free will defense of evil.

The Argument from Physiological Horrors
A new atheological argument for the non-existence of God.


Article on evidentialism from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Wikipedia article on evidentialism.

The Epistemology of Religion
Article on justifying religious claims from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

The Will to Believe
Detailed discussion of Clifford vs. James by Gideon Rosen ( Princeton University )

The Will to Believe: William James
Outline by Bob Corbett ( Webster University )

Thomas Aquinas
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Saint Thomas Aquinas
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

St. Thomas Aquinas
Catholic Encyclopedia article

Thomas Aquinas: Life and Works
Discussion of life and thought by Garth Kemerling

St. Anselm

Anselm of Canterbury
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

Saint Anselm
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article

St. Anselm
Catholic Encyclopedia article

Anselm of Canterbury: Life and Works
( )
Discussion of life and thought by Garth Kemerling

Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal
Catholic Encyclopedia article

Pascal, Blaise
Brief biography by Garth Kemerling

Blaise Pascal
Biography by J. J. O'Connor and E. F. F Robertson (University of St. Andrews)

Pascal links
EpistemeLink link collection

St. Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas
Article on Thomas Aquinas from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Thomas Aquinas
Article on Thomas Aquinas from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Thomas Aquinas
Wikipedia article on Thomas Aquinas.

Thomas Aquinas
Brief biography and links to articles on Thomas Aquinas from Garth Kemmerling.

Thomas Instituut
Comprehensive web site on St. Thomas Aquinas.

Richard Swinburne

Richard Swinburne
Homepage of Richard Swinburne at Oxford University .

The Justification of Theism
Article by Richard Swinburne on justifying belief in God.

Review of Swinburne's Is There a God?
Richard Dawkin's review of Swinburne's Is There a God?

David Hume

David Hume
Article on David Hume from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

David Hume
Article on David Hume from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

David Hume
Comprehensive set of links to works by and about David Hume.

David Hume
Brief biography of David Hume and links to online resources by Garth Kemerling.

The Hume Society
Society devoted to stimulating scholarship of David Hume.

Doing PhilosophyOnline Learning Center

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