Biblical Truths: Does the failure to find confirming evidence for many of the
Bible's historical claims undercut the credibility of its non-historical claims?
Minimalism, Ancient Israel, and Anti-Semitism
Article by Phillip Davies (University of Sheffield) on Biblical minimalism Contra
Response to Davies article by William G. Dever (University of Arizona) Deluded Believers: How do you know you're not part of the 75% of the world's population who are mistaken about the true nature of god and reality?Major Religions of the World ( Major religions of the world ranked by number of adherents.Which religion is the true one? ( Discussion of how one might go about discovering the one true religion at all paths lead to the same destination? ( Article by Keith Johnson against the view that all religions are getting at the same thing.Holy Scripture: How can you tell that a book was written by the one true god?How do I know that the Bible is really from God? ( Defense of the divine origin of the Bible from the Bible the Word of God? ( Lecture by Emmet Fields on the problems with taking the Bible to be the word of God.The Baha'i Faith ( Homepage of the Baha'i faith which teaches that all religions are expressions of the one true god.Do all religions lead to god? ( A critique of the view that all religions are equally valid by the Worldwide Church of God.The Wrath of God: Can natural disasters be considered to be the wrath of God?Tsunami Theology as Wrath of God ( Discussion of the tension between medievalism and modernism by Jim Wrenn.Does God control earthquakes or other natural disasters? ( Analysis of the Bible's view of natural disasters by Charles Henderson.Natural disasters could be God's judgment ( Report of an opinion poll on God's relation to natural disasters.Weather is weather—not the wrath of God ( Discussion of the wrath of God hypothesis by former Pastor Dennis Diehl.Why a
Universe? If God is infinitely old, why did He create a universe 15 billion
years ago? Why Did God Create the Universe?
Discussion by Brian Tee (University of Sheffiled) from Why Did God Create Us with Sin in
the World?
Article by Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry arguing that God created
the world to show his love for us Intelligent Design : If life on Earth is the result of intelligent design, who are the designers? Raelism (
Wikipedia entry on Raelism His Holiness Rael endorses Intelligent Design (
Blog entry on Rael and intelligent design Intelligent Design (
Wikipedia entry on Intelligent Design Flying Spaghetti Monster (
Wikipedia entry on the Flying Spaghetti Monster, an intelligent design theory competing with Raelism Human Design Flaws: Does the fact that humans
are poorly designed provide evidence against the intelligent design theory? Bad Taste in Bodyscape
Article by Joel Carbonnel arguing that humans are built for extended life Intelligent
Design Theory
Notes for a debate on Intelligent Design Theory between Dr. Tom Woodward and
Dr. Tom Weinshank Parting the Red Sea: Does the fact that the Red Sea can be
parted by natural forces undercut the notion that is was parted by God? The Miracle of: the Parting of the Red Sea
Description of the parting of the Red Sea from Exodus 14: 21-31 Jesus's Miracles: Given
the fact that Jesus's "miracles" are similar
to those performed by other magicians at the time, can they be considered to
be real? Was Jesus a Magician?
Article by Vic Stenger (University of Hawaii) examining the magician hypothesis Hellenistic
Magic and Jesus
Article by M. D. Magee analyzing the references to magic in the Bible Jesus: Magician, Maniac, or Master
Article by Rob Lamont citing Biblical evidences for Jesus's divinity The Fivefold
Challenge: Five major miraculous events are unconfirmed by modern archaeology:
the parting of the Red Sea by Moses; the stopping of the sun by
Joshua; the reversal of the sun's course by Isaiah, the feeding of thousands
of people by Jesus using only five loaves of bread and two fishes; and the
resurrection of the saints. Does this provide good reason for believing that
these miracles never occurred? The Five Fold Challenge
Robby Berry's challenge to present extra-Biblical evidence for these miracles What
About the Five Fold Challenge?
Article from the Christian ThinkTank explaining why it is unlikely we will
find evidence for Biblical miracles Argument from Miracles
Set of links regarding the argument from miracles from the Secular Web Examining
Miracle Claims
Article by Joe Nickell (Center for Inquiry) on alternative explanations for
various miraculous claims Science and Miracles
Article by Theodore Drange on the relation between science and miracles Religious
Experience: Does the fact that religious experiences can be produced electronically
undercut the claim that they are produced by a supernatural
being? This is Your Brain on God
Article by Jack Hitt for Wired reporting on Michael Persinger's spiritual experience
machine Tracing the Synapses of our Spirituality
Article by Shankar Vedantam for the Washington Post reporting on recent
research into the biological basis of religious experience Mystical Experience,
Hallucination, and Belief in God
Article by Alastair I. McIntosh defending the argument from mystical experience Religious
Set of links to articles regarding the argument from religious experience from
the Secular Web One More God: If monotheists are rationally justified in not believing in thousands of other gods, are atheists equally justified in not believing in the god of the monotheists? The Atheism Pages Comparison of atheistic and theistic beliefs from Atheism (
Secular Web's page on atheism The Natural History of Religion (
David Hume's classic essay on religion The Best Bet: Which wager, Pascal's or Silverman's, do you think
is the best? Pascal's Wager
( Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article Pascal's Wager
Set of links to articles on Pascal's wager from the Secular Web The End of Pascal's
Wager: Only Nontheists Go to Heaven
Article by Richard Carrier Pascal's Wager Refuted
Article by Theodore Drange (West Virginia University) outlining objections
to Pascal's wager Goulder vs. Augustine? Confessions of an Atheist
Article by Goulder from the New Internationalist Magazine explaining why he left the priesthood. Notes from an Interview with Dr. Michael Goulder
Interview with Michael Goulder explaining why he rejects Christianity. In Search of God: Is Atheism the Only Alternative to Theism?
Bishop Shelby Spong examines the alternatives to theism. Nonoverlapping Magisteria
Harvard biologist Stephen J. Gould presents his view that religion and science are nonoverlapping magisteria. Gould on God
Critique of Gould’s view on religion and science by H. Allen Orr. Alien Religion: Suppose that we are visited by aliens from outer space and find that they have no religion and have never heard of any of the gods worshipped by humans. Would this undermine the credibility of our religions? Would it be appropriate to try to evangelize the aliens and convert them to one of our religions? Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial? (
Brother Guy Consolmagno's take on alien religion Do space aliens have souls? (
Article about Guy Consolmagno and his book on the issue Alien Religion (
"The Speculist" speculates about what we might find in an alien religion Extraterrestrial Life (
Page answering questions about extraterrestrial life. Scroll down for the question of alien religion The Source of Meaning: Can one make one's own life meaningful
or must it be part of a divine plan? What is the Meaning of Life?
Article from the Principia Cybernetica Web arguing that the meaning
of life is to increase fitness The Meaning of Life
Article by Fredrik Benz arguing that meaning is something that one creates Adam and Eve: If Adam and Eve
didn't know that it was wrong to eat the apple, was it right to punish them? Women
were Considered to be Sinful
Article by John Wijngaards explaining how women became blamed for the fall
of humanity Eve and Adam Resources Online
Set of links compiled by Tracey Marks dealing with Adam and Eve Moving the Moon:
Does the fact that a good deal of natural evil could have been eliminated
if the Earth had a different orientation show that the world
was not created by God? The Problem of Natural Evil
Article by Brian Marston arguing that natural evil cannot be justified Assessing the Problem of Evil and the Existence
of God
Article by Shandon L. Guthrie arguing that the existence of natural evil
is not incompatible with the existence of God God's Answer to Job
Article by Wes Morriston (Colorado University) from Religious Studies (1996)
exploring various interpretations of the Book of Job Is there free will in heaven? If there can be no free will without evil, can there be free will in heaven? The Dilemma of Heaven
Article by Doug Wetzel on reasons for believing that there can be no free will
in heaven Will There be Free Will in Heaven?
Article from claiming that we cannot sin in heaven Is There Free
Will in Heaven?
Article by Fr. William Saunders claiming that the notion of free will in
heaven is a mystery Karma: Does the doctrine of Karma provide a plausible
solution to the problem of evil and inequality? Karma: the Problem of Evil in India
Article by Kelly Ross explaining the role that Karma plays in solving the problem
of evil in India Suffering and Buddhism
Article by Paul Ingram on the Buddhist solution to the problem of evil God's Goodness: Given the actions reported
in the Bible, is it reasonable to believe that God is all-good? Bible Passages that Seem Immoral by Today's Standards
Article from listing some seemingly immoral bible passages Bible
List of seemingly immoral acts portrayed in the Bible compiled by Donald Morgan What If God Died? Suppose God died. How would the universe be different? How would we tell that God no longer existed? Jim Morrow's Home Page ( Homepage of James Morrow, author of the Godhead Trilogy. God Is Dead ( Wikipedia entry on Nietzsche's famous quote. Interview with James Morrow Interview with James Morrow by Faith Justice. Blanshard's Beliefs: Are Blanshard and Clifford correct in claiming that our duty to proportion beliefs to the evidence is absolute? Evidentialism (
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Evidentialism Opiniatrety: Evidentialism ( Blog entry discussing the Fantl and McGrath article James and Pandeism What is Pandeism?
The Institute for Pandeist Studies explains pandeism. Pandeism Resources
Collection of resources dealing with pandeism. The Pandeist Theorem
Robert Brown's attempt to provide a rigorous proof for the claim that if God exists, then God is identical to the universe. Meaning and Morality Kant Autonomy and Divine Power
Philosopher Nicholas Gier argues that even God must obey the categorical imperative and thus cannot use people merely as a means. Did God Violate the Categorical Imperative?
Article by John Alexander arguing that God violated the categorical imperative by creating us. Four Responses to John Alexander on God and the Categorical Imperative
Four philosophers respond to Alexander’s claim that God violated the Categorical Imperative. Meaning and Purpose Theism and the Meaning of Life
Gianluca argues that God is not needed for a meaningful life. A Search for the Meaning of Life
A summary of a number of philosophical arguments concerning the meaning of life. A Search for the Meaning of Life
Todd May examines the relationship between God and meaning in a New York Times Blog. A Flawed God: Could a being that was neither all-knowing, all-powerful, nor
all-good still be God? Things God Cannot Do
List by Mike Oppenheimer (Let Us Reason Ministries) The Problem
of Suffering
Article by Allan Turner critiquing various versions of the finite God argument |