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Multiple Choice Quiz
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What is not true of Hinduism?
A)It has no known founder.
B)It has no single religious body to interpret orthodoxy.
C)It has no scriptures or holy writings.
D)It has no unified set of doctrines.
What is the central doctrine of the Upanishads?
A)The identity of mind and body.
B)The identity of God and nature.
C)The identity of Vishnu and Siva.
D)The identity of Brahman and Atman.
What is the main cause of human suffering, according to Siddhartha Gautama?
A)The fleetingness and uncertainty of the world.
B)Ignorance and selfish craving.
C)Bad karma.
D)Sinful human nature.
Which is not a characteristic of the Tao, for Taoists?
A)It is the natural order of things.
B)Man can improve it.
C)It is one and eternal.
D)It gives order and substance to all things.
According to Confucius, this principle governs both the well-ordered family and the well-ordered state.
A)The principle of yin/yang.
B)The principle of the Mean.
C)The principle of the equality of opposites.
D)The principle of the Parental Mind.
Which would Mencius say true happiness consists in?
A)Ruling an empire.
B)Being a Mikado.
C)Seeing parents and family alive and well and free from anxiety.
D)Practicing the Great Way.
What must one do to discover ultimate reality and truth, according to Hui Neng, sixth patriarch of Ch'an Buddhism?
A)Give up false attachments and selfish interests.
B)Practice the principle of the rectification of names.
C)Realize that the way human consciousness must conceive of the world is the way the world really is.
D)Train yourself to be self-reliant and ready for anything.
What Mahayana Buddhist view did Murasi Shikibu object to?
A)Enlightenment requires religious contemplation and study of the sutras.
B)Confucian virtues like filial piety, veneration of ancestors, and respect for rank and position are important.
C)The Mikado is the greatest earthly kami.
D)Women must wait for reincarnation as a male before they can achieve enlightenment.
Which did Dogen advocate?
A)The Parental Mind.
B)The rectification of names.
C)The Lesser Vehicle.
D)The art of bushido.
What do samurai warriors believe in?
A)Winning beforehand.
B)Being a complete man, both scholar and warrior.
C)Being self-reliant and prepared for anything.
D)All of the above.

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