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Multiple Choice Quiz
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What did Socrates hope to achieve by practicing the Socratic method?
A)He hoped to show that knowledge is impossible.
B)He wanted to show that a skillful debater could win any side of any argument.
C)He wanted to display the fact that he was indeed the wisest man in all Greece.
D)He wanted to discover adequate definitions that would give knowledge of the essential nature of things.
Where do the Forms exist, according to Plato?
A)In our heads, as ideas.
B)In physical objects.
C)In a separate, immaterial realm.
D)In the cave.
How are the Forms apprehended, according to Plato?
A)By reason.
B)By the senses.
C)By intuition.
D)By mystical experience.
Which would Plato have agreed with?
A)The senses alone can provide knowledge.
B)Physical objects are eternal, perfect, and unchanging.
C)Man is the measure of all things.
D)The senses are a source of error, illusion, and ignorance.
Plato had three famous theories:
A)The Theory of Forms, The Theory of Knowledge, The Theory of the Oracle.
B)The Theory of Fire and Becoming, The Tunnel Theory, The Theory of Knowledge.
C)The Theory of Becoming, The Theory of Relativity, The Theory the Absolute Truth.
D)The Theory of Knowledge, The Theory of Love and Becoming, The Theory of Forms.
When the Delphi Oracle pronounced Socrates to be the wisest of people, Socrates thought the pronouncement referred to the fact that he:
A)was aware of the ignorance of most other philosophers.
B)was aware of his own ignorance.
C)was aware of everything and nothing.
D)never wrote anything
Three of Plato's more enlightening and well-known dialogs are:
A)Apology, Republic and Meno
B)Republic, Apology and Love
C)Aesthetics, Knowledge and Apology
D)Apology, Republic and Nous

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