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Multiple Choice Quiz
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What was clarity and distinctness a mark of, for Rene Descartes?
Which claim did Descartes use to establish the certainty of his own existence?
A)To be is to be perceived.
B)I think, therefore I am.
C)Nothing exists except bodies in motion.
D)Every created thing has both mental and physical properties.
Which statement would Thomas Hobbes have accepted?
A)The mind and the body are separate and distinct substances.
B)All psychological states derive ultimately from perception.
C)Reasoning is not based on perceptions.
D)To be is to be perceived.
Which claim about God did Anne Conway make?
A)God is part mental, part physical.
B)God is in time and space and subject to change.
C)God created the universe in a single, past creation event.
D)God is an eternal creator.
Anne Conway advocated what sort of metaphysics?
What did Benedict Spinoza think a person is?
A)A mode of God/Nature.
B)An immaterial mind.
C)A physical body.
D)An immaterial mind in a physical body.
Why is there no mind/body interaction problem for Spinoza?
A)Only minds exist.
B)Only bodies exist.
C)Minds and bodies are simply aspects of the selfsame unit of infinite substance.
D)God guarantees that our mental states correlate with our bodily states.
What did John Locke believe about perception?
A)Knowledge of the external world is based on the fact that some of the ideas we get through sense impressions represent the way things actually are in the external world.
B)Our senses give us direct acquaintance with the objects in the external world.
C)Our sense impressions only give us knowledge of the external world when they are clear and distinct.
D)The senses can provide us with no knowledge whatsoever about a world beyond the mind.
What did George Berkeley mean about such things as tables and chairs when he denied the existence of matter?
A)There are no unperceived tables and chairs.
B)There are no tables and chairs.
C)Tables and chairs are really just swarms of particles in motion.
D)Everything, including tables and chairs, is an illusion.
What was Berkeley's explanation for the fact that things like rocks and trees seem to continue to exist even when humans don't perceive them?
A)They are material objects, so naturally they can exist unperceived.
B)Appearances are deceiving. In fact such things do cease to be when we no longer perceive them.
C)Being partly mental, they continue to exist because they can perceive themselves.
D)God always perceives them.

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