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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which view about truth is common to all pragmatists?
A)Truth is what all investigators will ultimately agree to.
B)Truth is relative to place, time, and purpose.
C)Truth is what works for the individual.
D)Truth is unchanging.
What does philosophical analysis attempt to do?
A)Reduce complex, philosophically puzzling propositions into simpler, less puzzling ones.
B)Integrate separate, simpler propositions into a more complex, but more complete, whole.
C)Show that the concept of objective truth leads to unresolvable paradoxes.
D)Replace object-talk with sense-data talk.
What determines the meaning of a proposition, according to the logical positivists?
A)The intentions of the writer or speaker.
B)The public definitions of the words involved.
C)The use to which the proposition is put.
D)The possible observations that would verify it.
According to logical atomism, what does the world ultimately consist of?
A)Atomic facts
B)Physical atoms
C)Immaterial minds
Which best expresses phenomenalism as a metaphysical theory?
A)Physical objects don't exist, just sense-data.
B)Sense-data don't exist, just physical objects.
C)Sense-data are caused by, but not identical with, physical objects.
D)Physical objects just are sense-data.
According to the epistemological foundationalist, when is a belief knowledge?
A)When it is clearly and distinctly true.
B)When it logically follows from other beliefs that cannot be doubted.
C)When it follows from other beliefs that are true.
D)When it meets the current standards of rationality of the group to which the person belongs.
Antirepresentationalists like Richard Rorty always deny this claim.
A)True beliefs somehow picture or mirror reality.
B)True beliefs are those which hang together in a coherent fashion.
C)True beliefs are those that most members of our group consent to.
D)True beliefs are those that work for the individual.
Which of the following is a universal?
A)Barack Obama
B)The U.S. Constitution
C)cell phone
D)The Best Picture of 2014
Which philosopher is associated with the idea of a language game?
Necessary truths are
A)True statements that could have been false
B)True statements that could not have been false
C)Statements known to be true independently of experience
D)Statements known to be true through experience
Which of the following is an ontological issue?
A)Whether selves exist
B)Whether torture is ever justified
C)Whether cars are made of steel
D)Whether a democracy usually leads to tyranny
Which is not true of Richard Rorty?
A)He describes himself as a liberal ironist.
B)He uses American pragmatism as a medium to combine liberalism with Continental literature and philosophy.
C)He believes in necessary starting points for rational inquiry.
D)He maintains that we can never step outside the perspective of our own culture and its constraints on inquiry to find an objective point of view.
Who is most likely to have written this? "There is no method for knowing when one has reached the truth, or when one is closer than ever before."
A)Jacques Derrida
B)Michel Foucault
C)Richard Rorty
D)Jürgen Habermas
Who is most likely to have written this? "The relation of technical progress and social life-world and the translation of scientific information into practical consciousness is not an affair of private cultivation."
A)Michel Foucault
B)Ferdinand de Saussure
C)Jürgen Habermas
D)Richard Rorty

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