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Book Preface
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About the Authors
Feature Summary

Student Edition
HRMD 620: Employee Relations - Student, Online Resources

University of Maryland University College

ISBN: 0078134005
Copyright year: 2007

About the Authors

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Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander


Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander, Esq., is an award-winning tenured associate professor of employment law and legal studies at the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business and an attorney admitted to practice in the District of Columbia and six federal jurisdictions. She is a cum laude graduate of the Howard University School of Law and a magna cum laude graduate of the Federal City College, now the University of the District of Columbia. She was cofounder and cochair, with her coauthor, of the Employment and Labor Law Section of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business and coeditor of the section’s Employment and Labor Law Quarterly; past coeditor of the section’s newsletter; and past president of the Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business. Bennett-Alexander taught employment law in the University of North Florida’s MBA program from 1982 to 1987 and has been conducting employment law seminars for managers and supervisors since 1985. Prior to teaching, Bennett-Alexander worked at the Federal Labor Relations Authority, the White House Domestic Council, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, Antioch School of Law, and as law clerk to the Honorable Julia Cooper Mack at the highest court in the District of Columbia, the D.C. Court of Appeals. Bennett-Alexander publishes widely in the employment law area, is a noted expert on employment law issues, was asked to write the first-ever sexual harassment entry for Grolier Encyclopedia, edited the National Employee Rights Institute’s definitive book on federal employment, has been widely quoted on TV, radio, and in the print press, including USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and Fortune magazine, and is a founder of Practical Diversity, consultants on diversity and employment law issues. Bennett-Alexander was a 2000–2001 senior scholar recipient of the Fulbright Fellowship under which she taught law in Ghana, West Africa, and conducted research on race and gender in employment. She dedicates all her research and writing in this area to her three daughters and will be a proud Grandma for the first time on March 13, 2006!

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Laura Hartman


Laura Hartman is Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs at DePaul University, where she is responsible for coordinating the development of new academic programs. She is also a Professor of Business Ethics and Legal Studies in the Management Department in DePaul’s College of Commerce.

Hartman’s scholarship focuses on the ethics of the employment relationship, with a primary emphasis in the areas of global labor conditions and standards, and the impact of technology on the employment relationship. Her research and consulting efforts have garnered national media attention by publications such as Fortune Small Business where she was named one of the “Top 10 Minds for Small Business,” as well as The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, and the New York Times. She has written several texts, including Rising Above Sweatshops: Innovative Management Approaches to Global Labor Challenges, Employment Law for Business, and Perspectives in Business Ethics. She serves on several editorial boards including that of the predominant academic journal in business ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly.

Professor Hartman has engaged in ethics training workshops and presentations for a number of local and international companies and professional associations at the employee, executive, and board levels. Her ability to appropriately translate the ethics training for each of these levels is one of her noteworthy strengths. Previously, Hartman held the Grainger Chair of Business Ethics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Business. She has also served as an adjunct professor of business law and ethics at Northwestern’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management.

In 2003, Hartman was awarded the First Annual Vincentian Ethics Award. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of DePaul’s Institute for Business & Professional Ethics, previously held DePaul’s Wicklander Chair in Professional Ethics, and served as chair of the University’s Public Service Council. She is Past-President of the Society for Business Ethics and is cofounder and was cochair of the Employment and Labor Law Section of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business. In addition, she was coeditor of the Section’s Employment and Labor Law Quarterly, and served as President of the Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business for the 1994–1995 term.

Hartman graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and received her law degree from the University of Chicago Law School. She currently serves as Vice President of the Francis W. Parker School Alumni Board. She lives in Chicago with her two daughters, Emma and Rachel.

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