Information Center
Book Preface
Sample Chapter
Table of Contents
About the Authors
Feature Summary

Student Edition
HRMD 620: Employee Relations - Student, Online Resources

University of Maryland University College

ISBN: 0078134005
Copyright year: 2007

Feature Summary

New Features :

•  Chapters 1-3 now explore and delineate the basic structure of employment regulation in a chronological and intuitive format.

•  Because the issue of testing and performance appraisals appear at the commencement or early on in the employment relationship and often have implications for the discrimination chapters, they are now addressed earlier in the 5th edition.

•  Each chapter features new end-of-chapter questions based on updated case law or problems.

•  Expanded treatment of topics, thoroughly updated material, and new cases have been included in the 5th edition. Examples include:

•  Chapter 1 now gives a greatly expanded discussion on retaliatory discharge, including detailed explanation of guidance from the EEOC's compliance manual. A new critical case: Pennsylvania v. Suders explores whether sexual harassment can form the basis of a constructive discharge claim.

•  Chapter 3 now encompasses the legal structure that defines the employment relationship and the evolution of that relationship, including how the law governs recruitment, selection, hiring, testing, appraisals, and other connected issues.

•  Chapter 10 contains an entire new section covering harassment on the basis of national origin. The new case: Kang v. U. Lim America, Inc., further clarifies the case for harassment on the basis of national origin.

•  Chapter 11 give a detailed analysis of the Supreme Court's 2005 opinion in Smith v. City of Jackson , which was the first case to find for the possibility of age discrimination based on disparate impact. The implications for justifications based on economic arguments are discussed, as are the implications of Meacham v. Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory.

•  Chapter 11 offers an entirely new section on employee's prima facie case for claims of hostile environment based on age.

•  Chapter 12 includes additional case-based examples throughout to effectively illuminate the complicated terms included in any discussion of disability discrimination.

•  Chapter 13 has been thoroughly expanded to include: a section on regulation of off-work activities to reflect recent caselaw, a new discussion of polygraphs and other forms of testing, as well as impact of HIPAA on privacy issues, and an updated section on privacy rights since September 11, 2001.

•  Chapter 15 holds a new section on “willfulness” of an OSHA violation and its legal implications based on recent case law. Additional discussion is included of OSHA's first recommendations with regard to the prevention of ergonomic (musculoskeletal) injuries in specific professions .



Retained Features:

•  Chapter Objectives clearly present chapter goals and key learning points.

•  Opening Case Scenarios depict claims or problems relevant to the chapter, which are then picked up and expanded upon in chapter text material.

•  Hot topics like race and gender discrimination in the workplace, disability issues, and sexual harassment claims are incorporated into the text where appropriate.

•  Chapter cases include excerpts from rulings and are carefully selected to meld with chapter material.

•  Case-end questions are designed as critical-thinking questions to prompt the student to go beyond the legal concepts and think critically about management issues from an employer's standpoint. The authors feel addressing the issues in the way they are likely to arise in life greatly enhances a student's learning ability and increases their likelihood of recognizing and understanding these situations when they arise in the workplace.

•  Inclusion of boxed items from everyday sources such as People and USA Today shows student's how text material relates to real management situations in the workforce.

•  Background information is provided on relevant social or political movements so students know the history behind the laws in place.

•  Management Tips boxes near the end of each chapter offer concise summaries of how to apply chapter concepts in management practice.

•  End-of-chapter questions reinforce chapter material by prompting students to coherently and correctly respond to real-life situations.



Instructor's Supplements:

Instructors Resource CD-ROM (ISBN 0073028983). The IRCD is the one-stop comprehensive housing for instructor teaching aids. Included are the following:

Instructor's Manual : The Manual will include teaching notes to opening scenarios, thorough lecture notes for the entire chapter's material, class discussion openers, notes on chapter cases, and answers to both case-end questions and to chapter-end questions.

PowerPoint Presentation : The IRCD also includes a set of PowerPoints for use in teaching each chapter.

Test Bank and Student Quizzes : Included as well is a test bank for each chapter in Word document as well as computerized format, for ease of use in assessing students' retention of course knowledge. Student Quizzes for each chapter are also included.

EZ Test: McGraw-Hill's EZ Test is a flexible and easy-to-use electronic testing program.   The program allows instructors to create tests from book specific items. It accommodates a wide range of question types and instructors may add their own questions.  Multiple versions of the test can be created and any test can be exported for use with course management systems such as WebCT, BlackBoard or PageOut.  EZ Test Online is a new service and gives you a place to easily administer your EZ Test created exams and quizzes online. The program is available for Windows and Macintosh environments.


Video Cases (ISBN 0073028975). Selections from the You Be the Judge program enhance the text by realizing many of the possible scenarios connected with Employment Law topics. Students can watch and listen as plaintiffs and defendants are interviewed about their case details, present unscripted arguments before a judge, and are debriefed following their court appearance . Selected evidence and background information are available on the Online Learning Center . The topics are:

· Privacy/Employment-at-Will
· Sexual Harassment
· Religious Discrimination
· Liability
· Defamation

"You Be The Judge" Interactive Demo


Online Learning Center (OLC) is a website that follows the text chapter-by-chapter. OLC content is ancillary and supplementary germane to the textbook. As students read the book, they can go online to take self-grading quizzes, review material, or work through interactive exercises. OLCs can be delivered multiple ways – professors and students can access them directly through the textbook website, through PageOut, or within a course management system (i.e. WebCT, Blackboard, TopClass, or eCollege.) (


McGraw-Hill's Knowledge Gateway - The Complete Resource for Teaching Online Courses. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, in partnership with Eduprise, is proud to bring this unique service to instructors. This comprehensive Website contains a wealth of information for any professor interested in teaching online. Level one is available to any instructor browsing our Website. Level two is reserved for McGraw-Hill customers and contains access to free technical and instructional design assistance. For more details, visit


PageOut is McGraw-Hill's unique point-and-click course Website tool, enabling you to create a full-featured, professional quality course Website without knowing HTML coding. With PageOut you can post your syllabus online, assign McGraw-Hill Online Learning Center or eBook content, add links to important off-site resources, and maintain student results in the online grade book. You can send class announcements, copy your course site to share with colleagues, and upload original files. PageOut is free for every McGraw-Hill/Irwin user and, if you're short on time, we even have a team ready to help you create your site!


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Student's Supplements:

OLC. Online Learning Center (OLC) is a website that follows the text chapter-by-chapter. OLC content is ancillary and supplementary germane to the textbook. As students read the book, they can go online to take self-grading quizzes and review material. OLCs can be delivered multiple ways – professors and students can access them directly through the textbook website, through PageOut, or within a course management system (i.e. WebCT, Blackboard, TopClass, or eCollege.)

BusinessWeek Edition. Your students can subscribe to BusinessWeek for a 15 week, specially priced rate of $8.25 in addition to the price of the text. Students will receive a pass code card shrink-wrapped with their new text. The card directs students to a website where they enter the code and then gain access to BusinessWeek's registration page to enter address information and set up their subscription. Students can now choose from receiving their subscription in print copy or digital format. To learn more about this option, please contact your sales representative.

Wall Street Journal Edition. Your students can subscribe to the Wall Street Journal for 15 weeks at a specially priced rate of $20.00 in addition to the price of the text. Students will receive a "How To Use the WSJ " handbook plus a subscription card shrink-wrapped with their new text. The subscription also gives students access to . To learn more about this special package option, please contact your sales representative.

To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative. If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.