¡Buen viaje!: Level 1Chapter 10:
Diversiones culturalesWebQuestVamos al cine
To familiarize students with movies in
the Spanish-speaking world
Notes - As
students will discover from the movie
Web sites, U.S. movies are very popular
in Hispanic countries. As they fill in
the chart, you may wish to have them find
at least one movie that is not from the
United States.
- Have
students write down the name of only one
movie theater where each of the films
they have chosen is playing and the time
they would like to go. If ticket prices
are available, have students give the
price for each of the three shows they
wish to attend.
- Students
may not be able to answer all the questions
since the information varies from site
to site.
Expansion -
Have students discuss movies that are currently playing in the area. Have them compare these movies to the ones playing in Spanish-speaking cities.
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