¡Buen viaje!: Level 1Chapter 13:
Un viaje en trenWebQuestUn viaje en tren
To introduce students to cities in Spain
To acquaint them with the practical aspects
of traveling on the Spanish rail system
- If
your students use the Mapa interactivo
de España, tell them that the
Spanish cities are organized by region
at the Turespaña site. They
must run their cursor over the name of
the region to see a list of cities.
- If
your students are already familiar with
Spanish cities, you can have them go directly
to the RENFE link instead of exploring
the Mapa interactivo de España.
- This
activity reinforces the train vocabulary
and expands upon the cultural information
on the Spanish rail system presented in
this chapter.
- Advise
students to take the AVE (Alta
Velocidad Española), a high-speed
train, if they want to reach their destinations
quickly. Tell them, that the AVE
is not available for all destinations.
- To
find the number of stops that the trains
make, students should click on Tipo
Tren on the train schedule.
- To
save time, have students do the currency
conversion from pesetas to dollars
for all the train fares after they finish
filling in the information from the RENFE
site for all three destinations.
If students are able to download photos
and print them out, have them prepare
a travel brochure about one of the cities
they plan to visit. Display the students'
brochures around a wall-size map of Spain
in the classroom. Have students vote on
which city is the most interesting, beautiful,
In Actividad 4, RENFE
on page 407 of the textbook, students
play the role of a ticket agent or a train
traveler. Have them use the real schedule
and fare information they obtained from
the Internet for the communicative activity.
It will make the activity more meaningful
and fun.
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