¡Buen viaje!: Level 1Chapter 4:
En la escuelaWebQuestEn la escuela
Objectives- To
compare schools in the United States with
schools in Spanish-speaking countries
- To
talk about going to school
- To
talk about school activities
Notes - Remind
students to apply their knowledge of schools
and their understanding of cognates in
order to determine the meaning of unfamiliar
words they may encounter as they work
through this activity.
- Remind
students that the term colegio
is used to refer to secondary education
in Spanish-speaking countries.
- In
order to help students appreciate the
diversity of the educational systems in
Spanish-speaking countries, the Web sites
represent a variety of countries, educational
institutions (private, public, and parochial),
and scholastic levels (K-12).
- Be
sure to have students read the Lectura
cultural on pages 122-123 in the textbook
before completing this activity. It might
also be helpful to remind students that,
unlike in the United States, it is very
common for a Spanish-speaking school to
contain students from all levels (K-12).
Expansion - Assign
students to small groups andhave
them download and print pictures that
they find particularly interesting. Ask
them to share their pictures and their
opinions on what can be inferred from
the pictures about schools in Spanish-speaking
countries with the other members of their
- In
Actividad 2, Diferencias,
on page 128 of the textbook, students
tell a Spanish exchange student the similarities
and differences between schools in the
United States and the Spanish-speaking
world. Have students refer to information
in the chart from the ¡A navegar!Primera parte section on the worksheet.
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