¡Buen viaje!: Level 1Chapter 5:
En el cafĂ©WebQuest¿A qué restaurante vas?
Objectives- To
discover similarities and differences
between eating habits in the United States
and Argentina
- To
identify foods and ingredients
Notes - Remind
students to apply their knowledge of restaurants
and foods as well as their understanding
of cognates to determine the meaning of
unfamiliar words they may encounter.
- Point
out the menu words entradas (entrées,
first course), Platos de fondo
(main course) and carta
- Students
may be amused by the fractured English
they may find at some of the Web sites.
This will help them realize that English
can be just as difficult to learn as Spanish.
Have them jot down any amusing mistakes
they find to share with the class.
- If
students would like to compare prices,
tell them to use the Currency Converter
link to convert pesetas into dollars.
Expansion - Have
students discuss their next visit to a
restaurant. Students may discuss what
meal they will eat, what foods they will
eat, and what type of restaurants they
- Have
students dramatize a visit to one of the
restaurants they chose during the Web
activity. They could role-play students
discussing which restaurant to visit,
the waiter and the clients ordering food
in the restaurant, or students talking
about their restaurant experience afterwards.
You may wish to videotape their dramatizations.
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