¡Buen viaje!: Level 1

Chapter 6: La familia y su casa


En busca de casa o apartamento

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  • To encourage students to learn about housing in Spain as they "buy" a vacation home


  • In this activity students are asked to choose an apartment or house in the Costa Blanca region of Spain. They are going to make their purchase with money that they "inherited" from a distant relative. In your role as "probate lawyer," assign the following amounts to the students randomly. Suggested amounts: 5,000,000 pesetas up to 20,000,000 pesetas. This will ensure that students choose different types of dwellings in varying price ranges according to the size of their family and the amount of their inheritance. Once students have selected their properties, have them convert the prices into dollars using the Currency Converter link. Depending on what real estate costs where you live, the students may be surprised by the prices!

  • Have students study the floor plan of their house or apartment when they are asked to give a description of their dwelling on their worksheet. If no floor plan is available, have them describe the exterior of the house and the features of the community.

  • Students may not be able to answer the questions about the region unless they visit more than one site. Encourage them to use the maps at the sites to figure out what sea the Costa Blanca is on.

  • Additional helpful vocabulary for this activity:

adosado attached
apartamento/dúplexbi-level apartment
edificiosapartment buildings
memoria de calidadeslist of specifications/features
2a manopreviously owned, secondhand
urbanizaciónplanned community
viviendas (de ocasión)dwellings (at a reduced price)


  • You may wish to have students use their vacation house from this activity as the subject of the Writing Activity, La casa de mis sueños, page 195 in the textbook.

  • If students are able to download the photos and print them out, display the photos of the apartments and houses in the classroom. Have students read their descriptions and see if others can match the apartments or houses to the descriptions.

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