¡Buen viaje!: Level 1

Chapter 7: Deportes de equipo



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  • To talk about sports in the United States and in the Spanish-speaking world
  • To tell what you want to do or prefer to do
  • To express what interests, bores, or pleases you


  • Remind students to apply their knowledge of sports and sporting activities as well as their understanding of cognates to determine the meanings of the unfamiliar words they will encounter as they work through this activity.
  • As students see the long list of headlines they may be overwhelmed by the choices. They may need to click on several before deciding on one to use.
  • In the Después de navegar section have students pair up with someone who chose a different sport in order to maximize the opportunity to learn new vocabulary.


  • Have the class prepare a sports newspaper in Spanish that covers athletic events taking place in your school or local community. Students could also interview student athletes and then write articles reporting their dialogues.
  • Have students download and print out one of the articles they chose. Then have them use it to complete Actividad 7, ¿Qué deporte es? on page 209 of the textbook.
  • Have students work with partners and describe the clothing and equipment necessary for the sport they are interested in. Then have them describe how the game is played.
  • Have students talk with a partner about sports they want to watch or to play. They can tell why they prefer some sports over others. They may want to tell about sports they are beginning to play or know someone who is beginning to play.
  • Have students talk with a partner about the articles they read in ¡A navegar! Students may wish to use the following questions in their conversation:

¿Cómo se llama el artículo?
¿Qué piensas del artículo? ¿Te interesa?
¿Qué deporte prefieres? ¿Por qué te gusta?
¿Juegas tú este deporte? ¿Juegas bien?
¿Qué deporte quieres jugar en el futuro?
¿Prefieres ser espectador(a) o jugador(a)?

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