World History: Journey Across Time, The Early Ages, Alabama Edition Unit 4:
The Middle AgesLiterature ConnectionsGlencoe Literature Library Glencoe’s Literature Library provides a brief description of each novel and play available from Glencoe, a list of related readings, and a link to study guides. Literature Classics Search our Glencoe database of literature classics by author, title, date, genre, theme, or country, and print the selected item. Glencoe Literature: The Reader's Choice
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on the titles listed below. The All-American Slurp by Lensey Namioka from The Lost Garden by Laurence Yep The Boy Who Lived with the Bears by Joseph Bruchac Fish Cheeks by Amy Tan The Old Demon by Pearl S. Buck Cat and Rat: The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac by Ed Young My Two Dads by Marie G. Lee Tiger Year by Laura Iwasaki Waiting for the Barbarians by Constantine P. Cavafy from the Analects by Confucius, translated by Arthur Waley from the Tao Te Ching by Lao-tzu, translated by Stephen Mitchell The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter by Li Po, translated by Ezra Pound Jade Flower Palace by Tu Fu, translated by Kenneth Rexroth Answer by Bei Dao, translated by Donald Finkel and Chen Xueliang April Rain Song by Langston Hughes Abd al-Rahman Ibrahima by Walter Dean Myers All Stories Are Anansi's retold by Harold Courlander from Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza Mother to Son by Langston Hughes from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou Talk told by Harold Courlander and George Herzog The People Could Fly told by Virginia Hamilton from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad by Ann Petry Before the End of Summer by Grant Moss Jr. The Winner by Barbara Kimenye Sweet Potato Pie by Eugenia Collier from Black Boy by Richard Wright Sympathy by Paul Laurence Dunbar from All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes by Maya Angelou Lineage by Margaret Walker Where Are Those Songs? by Micere Githae Mugo Civil Peace by Chinua Achebe from Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane Living Well. Living Good. by Maya Angelou I've Seen the Promised Land by Martin Luther King Jr from Sundiata recorded by D. T. Niane, translated by G. D. Pickett from The Life of Olaudah Equiano by Olaudah Equiano My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass Swing Low, Sweet Chariot / Go Down, Moses / Follow the Drinking Gourd Spirituals And Ain't I a Woman? Sojourner Truth His Promised Land by John P. Parker Chief Sekoto Holds Court by Bessie Head Douglass / We Wear the Mask by Paul Laurence Dunbar from Songs for Signare by Léopold Sédar Senghor from Stride Toward Freedom by Martin Luther King Jr. Village People by Bessie Head The Train from Rhodesia by Nadine Gordimer Dead Men's Path by Chinua Achebe Sudden Moods / Love Does Not Know Secrets / Tears of Love translated by Ali Ahmed Jahadmy Anansi's Fishing Expedition translated by Harold Courlander and George Herzog Edju and the Two Friends translated by Paul Radin from Sundiata: from The Lion's Awakening retold by D. T. Niane Life in Benin: from Equiano's Travels by Olaudah Equiano Tribal Scars or The Voltaique by Ousmane Sembène The Voter by Chinua Achebe; The Rain Came by Grace Ogot The Prisioner Who Wore Glasses by Bessie Head My Country by Zindziswa Mandela Bones by Sadru Kassam All That You Have Given Me, Africa by Anoma Kanié Oh Broom, Get to Work by Yoshiko Uchida Anansi and His Visitor, Turtle by Edna Mason Kaula A Dictionary of Japanese-American Terms by R. A. Sasaki Three Haiku by Matsuo Basho, translated by Robert Haas Two Tanka by Lady Ise, translated by Willis Barnstone Haiku for Four Seasons by Basho River Light by Yasushi Inoue, translated by Dennis Keene Tanka Poems all poems translated by Geoffrey Bownas and Anthony Thwaite from The Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon, translated by Ivan Morris Haiku The Jay by Yasunari Kawabata, translated by Lane Dunlop and J. Martin Holman from When Plague Strikes by James Cross Giblin The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Robert Browning The Force of Luck by Rudolfo A. Anaya Lob's Girl by Joan Aiken By the Waters of Babylon by Stephen Vincent Benét The Passing of Arthur by Alfred, Lord Tennyson from Beowulf by Anonymous from The Ecclesiastical History of the English People by the Venerable Bede Whoso List to Hunt / The Lover Showeth /How He is Forsaken by Sir Thomas Wyatt On Monsieur's Departure by Elizabeth I Sonnet 30 / Sonnet 75 by Sir Edmund Spenser To Lucasta, Going to the Wars / To Althea, from Prison by Richard Lovelace To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell from The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan from The Diary of Samuel Pepys by Samuel Pepys Ozymandias / Ode to the West Wind / To a Skylark by Percy Bysshe Shelley La Belle Dame sans Merci / When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be / Ode on a Grecian Urn / To Autumn by John Keats Silent Noon by Dante Gabriel Rossetti The Lark by Bernart de Ventadorn, translated by Ezra Pound from the Song of Roland translated by Frederick Goldin