World History: Journey Across Time, The Early Ages, Alabama Edition Unit 5:
A Changing WorldLiterature ConnectionsGlencoe Literature Library Glencoe’s Literature Library provides a brief description of each novel and play available from Glencoe, a list of related readings, and a link to study guides. Literature Classics Search our Glencoe database of literature classics by author, title, date, genre, theme, or country, and print the selected item. Glencoe Literature: The Reader's Choice
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on the titles listed below. The Boy Who Lived with the Bears by Joseph Bruchac Leyenda by Pat Mora All Stories Are Anansi's retold by Harold Courlander The End of the World by Jenny Leading Cloud Aunt Millicent by Mary Steele Racing the Great Bear by Joseph Bruchac Loo-Wit by Wendy Rose The Medicine Bag by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve Spotted Eagle and Black Crow / The Siege of Courthouse Rock told by Jenny Leading Cloud Chicoria / Coyote and Wasichu adapted by José Griego y Maestas and retold by Rudolfo A. Anaya/ Sioux Legend The Pinta, the Nina and the Santa Maria; and many other cargoes of light by John Tagliabue The Other Pioneers by Roberto Félix Salazar Forgotten Language / New World Chee's Daughter by Juanita Platero and Siyowin Miller The Vision Quest told by Lame Deer Delicious Death by Alma Luz Villanueva Lullaby Simile by N. Scott Momaday Well I have Lost You; and I Lost You Fairly by Edna St. Vincent Millay Making A Fist by Naomi Shihab Nye What We Believe How the World Was Made retold by James Mooney The Sky Tree retold by Joseph Bruchac from The Iroquois Constitution by Dekanawida from La Relación by Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson by Mary Rowlandson Offer of Help by Canassatego I Will Fight No More Forever by Chief Joseph Let Us Examine the Facts by Corn Tassel from The Way to Rainy Mountain by N. Scott Momaday Prayer to the Pacific The Names of Women by Louise Erdrich Magic Words translated by Edward Field from the Popol Vuh: Creation Hymn translated by Ralph Nelson The Night Face Up by Julio Cortázar, translated by Paul Blackburn Fishing by Joy Harjo Stop the Sun by Gary Paulsen A White Heron by Sarah Orne Jewett The Happy Man's Shirt retold by Italo Calvino Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day? by William Shakespeare The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare The Crucible by Arthur Miller The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd by Sir Walter Raleigh Sonnet 239 by Michelangelo, translated by John Frederick Nims from Homesick by Jean Fritz from Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza The Kid Nobody Could Handle by Kurt Vonnegut Paul Revere’s Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Finding America by A. C. Greene The United States vs. Susan B. Anthony by Margaret Truman The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare from Of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards from The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin from Poor Richard's Almanack by Benjamin Franklin Speech to the Second Virginia Convention by Patrick Henry from The Crisis, No. 1 by Thomas Paine Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson To His Excellency, General Washington by Phillis Wheatley Letter to Her Daughter from the New and Unfinished White House by Abigail Adams Of Studies by Sir Francis Bacon Sonnet 116 / Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare Sonnet 73 / Sonnet 29 by William Shakespeare Fear No More the Heat o' the Sun / Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind by William Shakespeare On My First Son / Song: to Celia by Ben Jonson from The Diary of Fanny Burney by Fanny Burney from A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft