"The Rise of Christianity"
IntroductionAs the Roman Empire grew, so did a small group of believers who called themselves Christians. As you've learned in this chapter, followers of Christianity were first persecuted by the Roman government. Later, their faith would become the official religion of the Empire. Missionariesincluding monks and nunshelped spread Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity north and west. Today, missionaries of many different faiths travel around the world to help others. Many nondenominational organizations model their efforts after these early missionaries, offering aid to those in need. In this activity, you'll discover the mission of the American Red Cross Youth Services and its efforts to aid people around the world and at home. If you think you're too young to help others, visit the American Red Cross Web site to learn about its Youth Services Program.
Visit the American Red Cross Web site to discover what you can do to help others.
Destination Title: American Red Cross
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DirectionsStart at the American Red Cross Web site and select "Youth Services."
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