1 |  |  In 1957 the Gold Coast, renamed __________, became the first British colony to gain independence. |
|  | A) | Nigeria |
|  | B) | Kenya |
|  | C) | the Belgian Congo |
|  | D) | Ghana |
2 |  |  Unlike socialism in the Soviet Union or Eastern Europe, the African form of socialism __________ |
|  | A) | saw as its goal the unity of all black Africans. |
|  | B) | included mixed economies. |
|  | C) | was based on African traditions of community. |
|  | D) | included a peaceful change of power rather than revolution. |
3 |  |  __________ have often helped bring about wars among ethnic groups in Africa. |
|  | A) | Western influences |
|  | B) | Arbitrary national borders |
|  | C) | Unstable governments |
|  | D) | The collapses of military regimes |
4 |  |  In recent years, popular demonstrations have led to the end of one-party and military regimes in Africa, such as the rule of Idi Amin in __________ |
|  | A) | Uganda. |
|  | B) | Guinea. |
|  | C) | Kenya. |
|  | D) | Senegal. |
5 |  |  Tensions between the modern and the traditional in Africa can be found in all of the following EXCEPT __________ |
|  | A) | the differences in housing between cities and rural areas. |
|  | B) | women’s roles in African societies. |
|  | C) | Africans’ approaches to art. |
|  | D) | in many rural areas, where traditional values continue to prevail. |
6 |  |  __________ increased international support for the establishment of a Jewish state. |
|  | A) | Arab-Jewish tensions in Palestine |
|  | B) | The 1948 Arab invasion of Israel |
|  | C) | The Holocaust |
|  | D) | Jewish immigration to Palestine |
7 |  |  Under Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser, who promoted pan-Arabism, Egypt and __________ briefly formed an Arab union. |
|  | A) | Syria |
|  | B) | Jordan |
|  | C) | Lebanon |
|  | D) | Iraq |
8 |  |  After Egypt imposed a blockade against Israeli shipping through the Gulf of Aqaba, Israel launched an air strike which turned the dispute between Israel and other states in the Middle East into the first war called the __________ |
|  | A) | intifada. |
|  | B) | Golan Heights War. |
|  | C) | al-Fatah. |
|  | D) | Six-Day War. |
9 |  |  To strike at Israel, Yasir Arafat founded __________ as a Palestinian guerrilla movement. |
|  | A) | the Palestinian Authority |
|  | B) | the Palestine Liberation Organization |
|  | C) | al-Fatah |
|  | D) | the intifada |
10 |  |  For most Muslims in the Middle East, Islamic revivalism means a reassertion of all EXCEPT __________ |
|  | A) | formal religious observance. |
|  | B) | traditional Islamic punishments. |
|  | C) | family values. |
|  | D) | cultural identity. |