THE RIGHT LANDSCAPING FOR YOUR ENVIRONMENT Introduction In this WebQuest, students will conduct Internet
research to learn more about the types of plants found
in the major biomes of the world. They also will learn
about xeriscaping and how this technique helps conserve
water in arid environments. Their task will include
a plan for landscaping a new neighborhood in their
geographic region. Top
Task As students conduct their research, they will answer
a set of questions that have been provided. Each Web
site provided has some of the answers, but several
of the questions may require information from two
or more of the Web sites. As students compile information to answer the questions,
they also will gather the information needed to draw
up a plan for landscaping a new neighborhood in their
region. Their plan will include a table of plants
to be used in their landscaping project. Suggested
column titles have been provided; students can modify
or add additional columns as needed. Objectives: - Investigate the biomes of the
world and the plants found in each
- Describe xeriscaping
- Create a landscape plan for a
community in their biome
Time Two class periods to research, answer questions,
and create plan Top
Process As students progress through the list of Web sites,
you may help them focus on what they need to know
to answer the questions. Several of the Web sites
have links to other Web sites with relevant information.
If time allows, you may want to allow students to
further explore subjects related to plants. Always
supervise students carefully as they search the Internet. Students then will continue with their research to
gather information that they will use to draw a plan
for landscaping a new neighborhood in the climate
where they live. Students should include at least
ten different plants in their plan. The plants should
be a variety of trees, grasses, shrubs, and flowers.
Make sure students provide all the relevant information
about their plants such as soil, water, sunlight,
and temperature requirements for survival. Students
can be general in their descriptions. For example,
they may indicate that the plant requires moist or
dry soil.
Top ResourcesStudents will use the Internet links provided to
find out more about the types of plants that grow
in each major biome. Top
Evaluation Click
for Rubric Have students review the rubric
to determine how they will be scored on this WebQuest You may assign 10 points
to each of the five questions for a total of 50 possible
points. Possible answers to the questions are given
below. You may rate the answer to each question
by the following scale: Excellent: 9-10 points; Very
Good: 7-8 points; Good: 5-6 points; Satisfactory:
3-4 points; Poor: 1-2 points; and Unsatisfactory:
0 points. Possible Answers
to Questions about Plants - Students should include the six major biomes including
Tundra, Taiga, Desert, Grassland, Tropical Rain
Forest, and Deciduous Forest. Students may choose
to include other biomes such as savannah and temperate
rain forest as well. A brief description of each
biome should be included to earn the most possible
- Answers will vary.
- Student answers should include the adaptations
that allow plants to survive in arid and wet environments.
Several examples of plants found in each environment
should be included.
- Xeriscaping is a form of landscaping that utilizes
native plants to help conserve water.
- Student answers need to indicate that there is
a difference in the plant’s lifecycle.
Top Conclusion At the end of this WebQuest, students will have gathered
enough information to answer the questions about what
types of plants live in each biome and create a preliminary
landscaping plan for a community in the climate where
they live. Completion of this WebQuest will help students
gain research skills and apply what they learn to
a real life situation. Top