Biology: The Dynamics of Life, California Edition

Chapter 4: Population Biology

Web Links

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Association of National Bio-Control Producers
This site is about integrated pest management or biocontrol. Access it by following the link and learn about beneficial producers and consumers. What is one common pest of many greenhouse and outdoor crops?
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Visit this site to learn more about penguins. How many species of penguins are there in the world?
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World Census Information
This site sponsored by the U.S. Census Bureau has information about worldwide census. Follow the links to find out more information about population trends in the world.
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Invasive Species
The Nature Conservancy works with people to protect land worldwide. Their mission is to preserve plants, animals, and natural communities by protecting the habitats needed for survival. Visit their site and click on "conservation initiatives". Follow the links to the Invasive Species Initiative. Click on the "online community" link to learn about invasive species issues. Find out about one of the "success stories" on the site. Which success story is closest to where you live?
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Ecology Field Research Stations
This site is maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey. Click on the links to field research stations in various locations across the U.S. Go to the field research station that is located nearest to your community.
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Invasive Species
This site is maintained by the National Agricultural Library. Click on the "impacts" link to find out how some species are affecting some areas.
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Biodegradable Polymers from Switchgrass
This web site is a fact sheet about a polymer made from switchgrass. What are the benefits of this polymer?
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Biodegradable Polymers
Visit this website to learn more about the types of biodegradable polymers that are available. Click on the link "Types of Biodegradable Polymers" to find a list.
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Biodegradable Medical Devices
This website contains information about the types of polymers used in medical devices and the medical devices themselves. What are some applications of biodegradable polymers in medical devices?
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U.S. Census Bureau
Search the Census Bureau's library for demographic information. View the sample questionaire for the 2000 census, and create a profile of your area.
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