Biology: The Dynamics of Life, California Edition

Chapter 5: Biological Diversity and Conservation

Web Links

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Recycle City
The EPA maintains this site, which provides information and activities about recycling for students. Follow the link to play the Dumptown game, in which you're in charge of cleaning up a city.
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EE-Link Endangered Species
List of endangered species in the U.S. and the world; includes natural history of endangered species. Use this site to discover what animals are endangered or extinct in your area of the country.
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EPA Acid Rain Program
This site has information about acid rain and the EPA's program to reduce the pollutants responsible for acid deposition. What are the multiple benefits of reducing acid rain?
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The Tundra
Visit this site to learn more about the Tundra. Click on the link for "Biodiversity" to find more information about biodiversity on the Tundra.
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Biodiversity in Canada
Visit this site to learn more about the various species that live in Canada. What is the estimated number of species that live in Canada?
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Yahoo! Science - Biodiversity
Yahoo's collections of sites related to biodiversity and endangered species. Review some of the sites and find out how you can help promote biodiversity where you live.
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The Conservation Biology Institute
This nonprofit site combines research with education to promote a world with "wild, natural, and free" living things. Visit this site to see their "Work in Progress". Choose one of the projects to learn more about.
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World Resources Institute: Biodiversity
Learn what causes biodiversity loss and how it can be prevented. View the WRI nature photos of coral reef and Indonesian species.
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Big Cats as Pets
Visit this site to learn about keeping big cats as pets. Approximately how many big cats are kept as pets in the U.S.?
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Art Wolfe Photo Gallery
Here is a virtual gallery of Art Wolfe's photography. View some of his photography and link back to his Home page. How did he get started in nature photography.
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Wildlife Photography
Visit this site to view more wildlife photography. Click on the photo of the month to see more.
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More Wildlife Photography
This site has more wildlife photos. Click on the links to find information.
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Grizzly Bear Recovery
Visit this site to learn about the efforts to save grizzly bears. Click on the available links to learn about different projects that are ongoing.
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Lynx Recovery in Colorado
This site provides information about the recovery efforts that are going on in Colorado to save the lynx. Click on the available links to learn more about the lynx.
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Trumpeter Swan Reintroduction Slide Show
This site shows pictures of the reintroduction of trumpeter swans. Click on the magnifying glass to increase the size of the picture.
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