p. 351
DNA Fingerprinting, Newton's Apple |
| This site will teach you more about DNA fingerprinting and how this analysis is performed. What is DNA profiling? How do analysts eliminate the possibility of a mistaken identity? (
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Human Genome Project Information |
| Access this site to learn about the U.S. and worldwide Human Genome Project. What is a genome? What are the benefits of mapping the human genome? How much progress has been made so far? What do you believe the ethical issues are in this project? Hold a mock debate in the class to talk about the ethical issues in the human genome project. (
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DNA Computers |
| Visit this site to learn how computers may be made of DNA. Why are scientists looking for a replacement for silicon chips? (
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DNA Evidence |
| Visit this site to learn how DNA is used as evidence in a criminal case. Why must DNA found at a crime scene be "cleaned up?" (
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