Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina EditionScience Fair Ideas
Science Fair Central | | This site provides all you need to get started on your science fair project including tips and ideas on how to get started. (
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Science Fair Project Resource | | Guide KidSpace at the Internet Public Library provides links to many sites that can help you with science fair ideas. Click on "Choosing a topic" to get a list of links to help you find a science fair idea. (
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USGS - Science Fair Ideas | | For students interested in doing a science fair project based on earthquakes, the USGS provides a list of project ideas. Click on any of the specific projects to learn more about it. (
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Agricultural Ideas for Science Fair Projects | | The USDA has put together some science fair ideas that deal with agriculture. Scroll down the page for ideas in chemistry, botany, environmental sciences, and more. (
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