Responsible DrivingChapter 7:
Searching and Giving MeaningSearching and Giving MeaningSelect the phrase that best completes each sentence below. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen to the left of each statement. _____1. Peripheral vision is reduced, (pg. 148) a. when driving on a sunny day. b. when an object is far away. c. when an object is too close. d. the faster you drive. _____2. Systematic sensing and scanning helps (pg. 153) a. reduce boredom. b. in reading a map. c. hear a police siren. d. identify where to look and what to look for _____3. A driver tends to steer (pg. 154) a. in the path of their headlights. b. before turning their vehicle. c. away from their focal point. d. in the direction they are looking. _____4. Accurate depth perception is critical for (pg. 148) a. checking tire tread depth. b. checking dashboard indicators. c. passing a vehicle on a two-lane highway. d. focusing on roadway signs. _____5. Of all your senses that you use while driving, the most important one is your sense of (pg. 148) a. hearing. b. sight. c. smell. d. taste. _____6. Backing your vehicle is always dangerous because (pg. 157) a. loud noises can cause you to react slowly. b. it is hard to see what is behind your vehicle. c. your mirrors may be dirty. d. driveways are too narrow.
_____7. The vision that enables you to detect movement not directly in front of you is (pg. 148) a. field vision. b. central vision. c. peripheral vision. d. none of the above. _____8. Giving meaning is (pg. 158) a. important when making a lane change. b. a social process. c. understanding what you perceive. d. focusing on roadway signs. _____9. When giving meaning to traffic events, planning should include (pg. 159) a. where to look b. what to look for c. when to look d. both a and b _____10. The function of depth perception is (pg. 148) a. to give three-dimensional perspective. b. to help to judge the distance between two things. c. to help to judge the distance an object is from you. d. all of the above. |