Introduction to Multimedia

Chapter 1: Exploring the World of Multimedia

Self-Assessment Activity

What is multimedia?
A)Moving images and text
B)Images and audio
C)Integration of still and moving images, text, and sounds by means of computer technology
D)Programs that combine text and images on a television screen
What are presentations?
A)A sequence of slides that usually incorporate text, sound, graphics, and animation
B)A speech
C)Information presented using more text than graphics and animation
D)A television interview or news report
What advances in multimedia were made in the early 1970s?
A)Advances in the ability to fit more text in a presentation
B)Advances in making supercomputers
C)Advances in integrating computers with CDs
D)Advances in graphics, movies, and audio
How does multimedia help school-age children?
A)It replaces direct textbook reading
B)It helps students learn in new and stimulating ways and allows them to apply their knowledge creatively
C)It allows students to control all their learning
D)It replaces teacher lectures
What are some examples of multimedia?
A)Video games, movies, and television
B)Television series
C)Computer-generated graphics
D)Digital pictures
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