Introduction to Multimedia

Chapter 2: The Internet and Multimedia

Self-Assessment Activity

What war inspired the United States to form a new way of communicating, now commonly known as the Internet?
A)The Gulf War
B)The Vietnam War
C)World War II
D)The Cold War
What did ARPA do?
A)Developed facsimile equipment
B)Linked several computers into a network called ARPANET
C)Laid the first transatlantic communication cables
D)Created the first server-based e-mail
What three important events combined to create the Internet we recognize today?
A)The end of World War II, the beginning of the Cold War, and the development of nuclear weapons
B)The arrival of the first mass-produced personal computers, the World Wide Web, and the development of browser software
C)The creation of the ballpoint pen, the development of the typewriter, and the development of Microsoft Word
D)The first broadcast news show, the creation of video cameras, and the eventual use of computers
What does ISP stand for?
A)International Service Protocol
B)Internal Services and Protection
C)Internet Service Provider
D)Internet Search Program
Every Web page has its own:
A)Database connection
B)Personal search engine
C)Animation scheme
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