Introduction to Multimedia

Chapter 9: Audio

Go Online Activity 9.1

The prolific inventor Thomas Edison would surely be amazed to see the multimedia applications of recorded sound. Learn about Edison's invention of sound recording, the early media used, and how recorded sound changed the entertainment world.

Read the questions below. Then, click on the Destination Site link to open a new browser window. Apply what you learn to answer the questions. Check your work before clicking Submit.

Destination Site: Thomas Edison: A Lifetime of Invention

If this link is inactive or if you wish to find other Internet sites with similar information, get permission from your teacher to use a search engine.
Here are some keywords you might use:
Thomas Edison, audio, and recording

How did Edison capture his first recording?
Edison and his colleagues tried many different materials for the first records—why?
Before disk-shaped records, what shape was used for recording?
What year was the first disk-player produced, and what was it called?
During what decades did the disc phonograph become popular in the United States and Europe?
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