Culinary Essentials © 2006

Math Quizzes 2:

Math Quiz 1: Making Change

A customer’s check totaled $6.85 and she gives you a $10 bill. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)nickel, dime, two $1 bills
B)dime, quarter, two $1 bills
C)nickel, dime, three $1 bills
D)nickel, quarter, three $1 bills
A customer’s check totaled $7.99 and he gives you a $10 bill. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)nickel, two $1 bills
B)penny, two $1 bills
C)penny, three $1 bills
D)penny, penny, three $1 bills
A customer’s check totaled $8.59 and she gives you $9. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)penny, nickel, dime, dime, quarter
B)penny, nickel, nickel, quarter
C)penny, nickel, dime, quarter
D)nickel, dime, quarter
A customer’s check totaled $10.25 and he gives you $20.25. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)one $5 bill and four $1 bills
B)one $10 bill
C)one $20 bill
D)quarter, quarter, quarter, and one $10 bill
A customer’s check totaled $14.72 and she gives you $20. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)penny, penny, nickel, quarter, one $5 bill
B)penny, nickel, dime, quarter, one $5 bill
C)penny, penny, penny, one $5 bill
D)penny, penny, penny, quarter, one $5 bill
A customer’s check totaled $18.88 and he gives you a $20 bill. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)penny, penny, dime, one $1 bill
B)penny, dime, one $1 bill
C)penny, dime, two $1 bills
D)penny, penny, nickel, dime, one $1 bill
A customer’s check totaled $9.10 and she gives you $10.10 bill. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)one $1 bill
B)dime, one $1 bill
C)nickel, quarter, quarter, quarter, one $1 bill
D)two $1 bills
A customer’s check totaled $8.22 and he gives you two $5 bills. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)penny, penny, penny, dime, dime, dime, dime, one $1bill
B)penny, penny, penny, nickel, nickel, quarter, two $1 bills
C)penny, penny, penny, quarter, quarter, quarter, one $1 bill
D)quarter, quarter, quarter, one $1 bill
A customer’s check totaled $11.82 and she gives you three $5 bills. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)penny, penny, penny, dime, one $5 bill
B)penny, penny, dime, quarter, one $1 bill
C)penny, penny, penny, dime, three $1 bills
D)penny, penny, penny, nickel, dime, three $1 bills
A customer’s check totaled $19.70 and he gives you two $10 bills. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)dime, dime
B)nickel, quarter
C)nickel, dime
D)dime, dime, quarter, quarter
A customer’s check totaled $12.95 and she gives you $13. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A customer’s check totaled $5.42 and he gives you $6.02. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)quarter, quarter
B)nickel, quarter, quarter
C)dime, quarter, quarter
D)dime, quarter, $1 bill
A customer’s check totaled $14.50 and she gives you three $5 bills. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)quarter, quarter
B)nickel, dime, quarter, quarter
C)quarter, one $1 bill
D)quarter, quarter, one $5 bill
A customer’s check totaled $16.83 and he gives you a $20 bill. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)penny, penny, nickel, three $1 bills
B)penny, nickel, dime, dime, two $1 bills
C)penny, dime, quarter, quarter, two $1 bills
D)penny, penny, nickel, dime, three $1 bills
A customer’s check totaled $13.33 and she gives you $14. Which of the following is the correct list of the coins and bills in the order in which they should be returned to the customer as change?
A)penny, nickel, dime, dime, quarter
B)penny, penny, nickel, dime, quarter, quarter
C)penny, penny, nickel, dime, two $1 bills
D)penny, nickel, dime, dime, three $1 bills
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