Florida Science Grade 6 Unit 2:
Human Body SystemsRemedy JournalProject Type: History
In this project, students will contribute to a class "remedy journal" by researching interesting, out-dated medical treatments. They need to include information on how the treatment of certain diseases and medical conditions has improved over time. Each page of the remedy journal should contain information on the type of condition, its causes, and how it was treated in the past. Students can include a "current treatment" section to show how the condition is treated today. Resources:
Student can visit these web sites for information on how certain illnesses and
medical conditions were treated in the past. Some students may need to do additional
research if they choose a specific topic. Always supervise students carefully
while they are doing internet research. Surgery before the 19th century http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/medicine/units/history/notes/surgery/ Bloodletting http://www.library.ucla.edu/biomed/his/blood/index.html Wikipedia - Bloodletting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodletting Roman Empire Medical Practices http://www.unrv.com/culture/roman-medicine.php History of Medicine http://www.schoolscience.co.uk/content/4/biology/abpi/history/index.html Rubric: Click here for a rubric to help you score this project.