Physical Science, New York Edition

Unit 3: Energy on the Move

WebQuest Projects



In this WebQuest, students find the answers to key questions about natural and created gemstones and do some research on the formation and value of both. They learn how natural gemstones form and what their physical and chemical properties are, and discover how costly such stones can be. Students also learn how gemstones are created in the laboratory and find out that such stones have virtually the same physical and chemical properties as their natural counterparts. Students learn about the advantages and disadvantages of both types of gemstones, and form an opinion about which type they would prefer to purchase for their mothers’ birthdays. Finally, students write paragraphs in which they state their preferences and support them with information gleaned from their Internet research.



Students will decide what type of gemstone to purchase for birthday presents for their mothers. Once they have completed their Internet research, they will write a short paragraph in which they state their preferences and support their opinions with facts from their research. Their goal is to form an educated opinion after researching the subject and to write persuasively about their choice.



Students will use the Internet links given to find the answers to these questions.

  1. What are natural gemstones and how do they form?
  2. What are the physical, chemical, and optical properties of natural gemstones?
  3. How are natural gemstones treated to reveal color or eliminate flaws?
  4. How are gemstones created in the laboratory?
  5. What are the physical, chemical, and optical properties of created gemstones?
  6. How do the prices of natural and created gemstones compare?





As students progress through the list of web sites, you may help them refine their thinking skills by asking the following questions.

  1. Why do natural gemstones have imperfections, such as inclusions, in their structure whereas created gemstones do not?
  2. What natural gemstones can be treated in the lab? Do such treatments alter the gemstones permanently?
  3. How does a treated, natural gemstone compare in quality to a created gemstone?
  4. Which gemstone is chemically the easiest to create in a lab? Why?
  5. Why do most laboratories that create gemstones keep their processes secret?
  6. If you have a limited amount of money, and you want to purchase the best quality gemstone possible, would you purchase a larger, created gemstone or a smaller, natural one? Why?

When students have completed their research, ask them to choose a partner and discuss what they discovered. Have students write their first draft of their paragraphs, then have them exchange paragraphs with their partners. Ask partners to comment, then return the paragraphs. Have students revise their paragraphs before they turn them in to you.



Use the following rubric to evaluate students’ paragraphs. You can assign any point structure to the rubric to equal the points assigned to this task.

Created Gemstones: The Real Thing? Evaluation

Research and
Gather Information
1.) Does not collect any information that relates to the topic2.) Collects very little information; some relates to the topic.
 3.) Collects basic information;
most relates to topic
4.) Collects a great deal of information; all relates to the topic
Shares Information1.) Does not relay any relevant information to public2.) Relays very little information to public
 3. ) Relays some basic information; most relates to public4.) Relays a great deal of information; all relates to topic
Conclusion1.) Presents illogical explanation for findings; addresses no questions2.) Presents illogical explanation for findings; addresses few questions
 3. ) Presents a logical explanation for findings; addresses some of the questions.4.) Presents a logical explanation for findings; addresses most of the questions
Grammar and Spelling1.) Frequent grammar and spelling errors. 2.) More than two grammar and spelling errors.
 3.) Only one or two errors in grammar and spelling4.) All grammar and spelling correct
Professionalism1.) Illegible handwriting, page dirty or torn2.) Legible handwriting, print hard to read, page dirty
 3.) Legible handwriting well-formed characters, clean copy4.) Word processed or typed, clean copy
Timeliness1.) Letter handed in more than one week late2.) Letter handed in up to one week late
 3.) Letter handed in up to two days late4.) Letter handed in on time



Students should be able to write paragraphs that detail their preferences for either natural or created gemstones, and support their opinions with facts from their Internet research.



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