Physical Science, New York Edition

Chapter 2: Motion

Standardized Test Practice

What is Bill's average running speed?

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A)3.0 km/min
B)3.3 km/min
C)330 km/min
D)0.33 km/min
Which runner has the slowest average speed for this run?

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If an object has a constant velocity, then it _______.
A)has a negative acceleration
B)has an acceleration of zero
C)has a positive acceleration
D)is not moving
The speed of light in a vacuum is 300,000.0 km/s. How long does it take light to travel 150,000,000 km from the sun to Earth?
A)2100 seconds
B)8.3 minutes
C)4500 seconds
D)0.25 hour
A change in velocity means a change in _______.
A)direction only
B)speed only
C)either speed or direction
D)always both speed and direction
According to Newton's first law of motion, a moving object _______.
A)gradually slows and then stops
B)has a constant positive acceleration
C)transfers energy to its environment
D)continues moving at the same velocity unless a force acts on it
As you brake your bicycle, your speed changes from 20 m/s to 10 m/s in 5 seconds. What is your acceleration?
A)-10 m/s2
B)2 m/s2
C)10 m/s2
D)-2 m/s2
What was Swimmer C's average speed?

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A)4.8 km/h
B)2.4 km/h
C)2400 km/h
D)4800 km/h
What was Swimmer A's average speed during the period 10 min to 20 min?

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A)40 m/min
B)0 m/min
C)400 m/min
D)4000 m/min
A piece of paper, motionless on top of your desk, experiences _______.
A)balanced force
B)no force
C)positive net force
D)unbalanced force
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