Physical Science, New York Edition

Chapter 5: Work and Machines

Section 2 Self-Check Quiz-Eng.

To calculate the ideal mechanical advantage of a lever, __________.
A)divide the length of the effort arm by the length of the resistance arm
B)divide the length of the resistance arm by the length of the effort arm
C)multiply the length of the effort arm by the length of the resistance arm
D)add the lengths of the effort arm and the resistance arm
Which of the following equations would be useful for calculating the ideal mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle?
A)<cast>(Q60712FN)IMA = L[subscript e]/L[subscript r]
B)<cast>(Q60712GOIMA = r[subscript w] X r[subscript a]
C)<cast>(Q60712HP)IMA = L[subscript e] X L[subscript r]
D)<cast>(Q60712EM)IMA = r[subscript w]/r[subscript a]
How does a ramp make it easier to move a heavy object a certain distance?
A)by decreasing the amount of force required to move the object
B)by decreasing the amount of work required to move the object
C)by decreasing the distance the object moves
D)by changing the direction in which the object moves
A lever is an example of a machine that __________.
A)is complex and has many moving parts
B)increases the distance an object moves
C)increases the force applied to an object
D)decreases the work required to move an object
Which is true of an axe blade?
A)It changes the direction of the force from horizontal to vertical.
B)The force exerted is an upward force.
C)The force exerted is a horizontal force.
D)It changes the direction of the force from vertical to horizontal.
Physical Science - New York Edition
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