Glencoe World History New York Edition

Chapter 11: The Americas, 400–1500

Student Web Activity

"Cities of the Maya"

The Maya developed one of the most stunning early civilizations in the Americas. Yet they did so under challenging conditions. In this activity you will learn about the conditions the Maya faced and how those conditions affected the development and role of Mayan cities. You will then have a chance to compare Mayan urban development with one of the other early civilizations in the Americas.

Destination Title: Civilizations in America

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Start at the Civilizations in America Web site.

  • Browse through the article, taking notes as you read.

After you have read the material, answer the following questions.

During which period were urban areas important in Mayan culture? Where were most of those urban areas?
What is meant by the statement that the Maya "were never a ‘true’ urban culture"?
Why didn't the cities of the Maya develop beyond a religious function?
What was life like in the Mayan cities?
The selection you have read uses facts about the geography, time period, and ruins of Mayan civilization to draw conclusions about urban life. At the bottom of the Maya page, click on the pull-down menu and select one of the other early American civilizations. Read about that civilization and compare and contrast the development of its cities with urban development among the Maya. Create a two-column table on a separate piece of paper. Use the rows to list at least five categories, such as geography, time period, and political structure. Fill out the table with information on the two civilizations. Based on the information you have gathered, write a paragraph containing your observations about the similarities and differences between the two civilizations and how you think they affected the development of cities.
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