Glencoe World History New York Edition

Chapter 22: East Asia Under Challenge, 1800–1914

East Asia Under Challenge, 1800-1914

__________ was among the external pressures that contributed to the decline of the Qing dynasty.
A)Corruption by officials
B)Peasant unrest
C)Population growth
D)The Opium War

Hong Xiuquan, the leader of the Tai Ping Rebellion, __________
A)thought God had given him the mission to destroy the Qing dynasty.
B)wanted land reform that would give equal parcels of land to each peasant.
C)treated women as subservient to men.
D)was a Chinese communist.

Empress Dowager Ci Xi __________
A)was a firm believer in reforming Chinese government.
B)blocked reform efforts of emperor Guang Xu.
C)crushed the Boxer Rebellion.
D)blocked the Open Door policy.

The Open Door policy proposed by U.S. secretary of state John Hay for China __________
A)ended the system of spheres of influence.
B)allowed all countries equal access to China.
C)ended all restrictions on foreign imports.
D)made the United States the dominant power in China.

The reform plans of Sun Yat-sen called for all of the following EXCEPT ___________
A)a restoration of the power of the emperor.
B)a military takeover.
C)a transitional phase to prepare the people for democratic rule.
D)a constitutional democracy.

During the 1911 uprising in China, __________ were the main source of support for the Revolutionary Alliance and its Western liberal democratic goals.
B)members of the middle class
C)western nations
D)members of the old order

The coming of Westerners affected China economically by doing all of the following EXCEPT __________
A)introducing modern transportation and communication.
B)creating an export market.
C)integrating the Chinese market into the nineteenth-century world economy.
D)turning China into a heavily industrialized country.

By the first quarter of the twentieth century in China, Western cultural influences were felt __________
A)in all segments of society.
B)primarily in rural areas.
C)primarily by traditionalists.
D)among wealthy and educated Chinese in cities.

What was the main achievement of the Treaty of Kanagawa?
A)It resolved territorial disputes between China and Japan.
B)It opened Japan to American trade, ending 200 years of Japanese isolation.
C)It marked the end of the shogunate and the beginning of the Meiji Restoration.
D)It ended the Japanese war with Russia.

The Japanese government saw the growth of industry as a way to __________
A)replace rural tax revenues.
B)resist calls for territorial expansion.
C)create a strong state capable of confronting the West.
D)end the power of the samurai.

The Meiji Restoration __________
A)granted new political rights to Japanese villagers.
B)imposed the “three obediences” on Japanese women.
C)abolished the special privileges of Japanese aristocrats.
D)restricted Japanese occupations based on social class.

The decision to __________ was part of a “gentlemen’s agreement” in 1907 between President Theodore Roosevelt and the Japanese.
A)end most Japanese immigration to the United States
B)recognize the Japanese annexation of Korea
C)recognize American control of the Philippines
D)achieve all of the above
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