The American Vision: Modern Times © 2008

Chapter 8: The Progressive Movement

Student Web Activity


You learned in this chapter that a new breed of writers and investigative journalists gained wide popularity during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Socially conscious "muckrakers" aimed at showing Americans the growing social, economic, and political evils in their nation. Lincoln Steffens, along with Ida Tarbell and Ray Baker, was one of the main voices in this new generation of journalists. Steffens published articles that had been printed in McClure's in a bound collection. Read the introduction to this collection to learn more about Steffens and his thoughts.

Destination Title: Lincoln Steffens, Introduction to The Shame of the Cities (1904)

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  • Read the introduction, taking notes as you go.

After you have read through the information, answer the following questions.

Why did Lincoln Steffens write the articles about "the shame of American cities"? How did he go about it?
What does the author think about businessmen?
What are Steffens's thoughts about politicians, party bosses, and the political machines?
What was the result of publishing the articles?
Think of an issue concerning your community or your state that you believe should be reformed. Write a brief "muckraking" article about this issue, pointing out the problems and flaws. In your article, suggest solutions to solve the issue.
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