The American Vision: Modern Times © 2008

Chapter 16: Post-War America

Post-War America

The conservative Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act over President Truman’s veto because supporters of the act wanted to __________.
A)curb the power of organized labor
B)thwart Truman’s support of civil rights
C)prove that they were not a “Do-Nothing Congress”
D)provide low-income housing
President Truman’s administration succeeded in all of the following EXCEPT __________.
A)raising the minimum wage
B)expanding the Social Security system
C)providing funds for low-income housing
D)creating a national health insurance program
President Eisenhower worked to abolish “creeping socialism,” a term he used to describe __________.
A)Communist forces working within the federal government
B)the federal government’s continuing aid to businesses
C)the Social Security system
D)organized labor’s influence in industry
All of the following sparked the growth of suburbia during the 1950s EXCEPT __________.
A)low-interest home loans for veterans
B)the savings from income tax deductions
C)the popular idea that a move to suburbia fulfilled the American dream
D)the appeal of suburbia’s cultural diversity
Which of the following developments led employees to conform to company standards?
A)the rise of multinational corporations
B)increased white-collar jobs
C)the rise of franchises
D)increased blue-collar jobs
Rock’n’roll developed from the sounds of __________.
A)Latin American samba
B)beat poetry
C)African American rhythm and blues
The beats were a group of artists who used their art to express __________.
A)their contempt for conformity.
B)a proud defiance of racism
C)their desire to assimilate into modern culture
D)the prosperity of the 1950s
African Americans stood apart from other poor urban dwellers in that they faced the additional challenge of __________.
A)racial discrimination
B)inadequate public transportation
C)inferior housing
D)cultural assimilation
What was the effect of the government’s termination policy on Native Americans?
A)They were able to improve their standard of living and assimilate into mainstream society.
B)They were encouraged to move back to the reservations and become self-sufficient.
C)They were unprepared for living in cities, and their standard of living often deteriorated.
D)They never assimilated into mainstream society, but many improved their economic status.
Although juvenile delinquency cut across class lines, most car thieves __________.
A)came from suburbia
B)came from poor urban areas
C)had grown up in middle-class families
D)were teens who favored unconventional clothing
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