Glencoe World History

Chapter 18: The French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789–1815

The French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789-1815

The social inequalities that contributed to the French Revolution are best illustrated by the conditions of the __________, who made up 75 to 80 percent of the population.
B)Second Estate
C)Third Estate

Economic problems, the immediate cause of the French Revolution, included all of the following EXCEPT __________
A)French support for the American colonists.
B)a manufacturing slowdown.
C)bad harvests.
D)high unemployment.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen __________
A)secularized the Catholic Church in France.
B)ended exemptions from taxation.
C)restricted participation in the Legislative Assembly to the upper classes.
D)established a constitution.

Why did the lower classes oppose the new order after the French Revolution?
A)because they were hurt by the rise in the cost of living
B)because only men could be elected to the Assembly
C)because they wanted more drastic solutions to problems
D)because the government now controlled the Catholic Church

An informal coalition of several European states took up arms against France following __________
A)the imprisonment of Louis XVI.
B)the Reign of Terror of the Committee of Public Safety.
C)the execution of Louis XVI.
D)the fall of the Bastille.

Under the leadership of Georges Danton and __________, the radical Committee of Public Safety took control, executing thousands of the republic's enemies over a 12-month period.
A)Jean-Paul Marat
B)Maximilien Robespierre
C)the Mountain
D)the Girondins

Which did NOT occur after the execution of Robespierre?
A)The Jacobins continued to be in control.
B)The Reign of Terror ended.
C)Churches were allowed to reopen for public worship.
D)A new constitution was created.

The Directory consisted of __________
A)selected members of the Council of 500.
B)a group of men chosen by the electors to govern the country.
C)the executive committee of the Council of Elders.
D)royalists who wanted to restore the monarchy.

The Civil, or Napoleonic, Code __________
A)was one of seven codes of law.
B)was a single law code for the entire nation.
C)put into code all the radical laws of the revolution.
D)undid all of the gains of the revolution.

French nationalism did NOT __________
A)aid in the defeat of Napoleon.
B)stir a desire in other European nations to join France.
C)stir the patriotism of those opposed to the French.
D)show other European nations the power of nationalism.

__________ marked the beginning of Napoleon’s downfall.
A)The formation of the Continental System
B)The British naval victory at Trafalgar
C)The capture of Paris
D)The invasion of Russia

Upon his return from exile at Elba, Napoleon was __________
B)exiled immediately to St. Helena.
C)restored to power.
D)crowned emperor.
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