Glencoe Science Level Red

Unit 3: Earth’s Changing Surface

Rock name and sample

Project Type: Model
Provide students with a rock name and sample and have them research information on their particular type of rock. Students may then plan a debate to present the advantages and disadvantages of their type of rock in the following categories: use in construction, weathering, leisure and entertainment value, beauty and art, currency, energy production and use, tools and weapons manufacturing, and food and drink. A class chart of this may be compiled by the student.

Task: Debate
Provide two or four students with the same rock to research (allow a week to research), divide the students in to two groups; Advantage (pro) and Disadvantage (con).

  • Allow each group five minutes to discuss the pro categories or con categories of the rock
  • Allow each group three minutes of rebuttal of the opposing opinion
  • Allow five minutes at the end for question form the class for either side to answer

1 week to research, 2-3 days to prepare for the debate and enough class time to present all the types of rocks

Alternate Procedure::
Have student write a report on their rock that contains the advantages and disadvantages of their type of rock in the following categories: use in construction, weathering, leisure and entertainment value, beauty and art, currency, energy production and use, tools and weapons manufacturing, and food and drink.

Use the following sites to help students research information on their particular type of rock.

Rocks for kids:

Rock Identification Key

Type in the name of the rock

The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdome


Click here for a rubric to help score this project. (65.0K)

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