Glencoe Science Level Red

Chapter 5: Motion, Forces, and Simple Machines

Calculating Work

A runner impacts the ground with a force of 1083 N. If he runs a distance of 3000 m, how much work does the runner do?
A)3,255,000 J
B)3,212,000 J
C)2,500,000 J
D)3,249,000 J
A runner impacts the ground with a force on her heel of 2000 N. If she runs a distance of 3000 m, how much work does the runner do?
A)6,000,000 J
B)5,000,000 J
C)5,500,000 J
D)6,200,000 J
An average golfer hits a golf ball with a force of 3800 N. If the club contacts the ball for a distance of 0.01 m, how much work is done?
A)45 J
B)42 J
C)38 J
D)35 J
A strong golfer hits a golf ball with a force of 18,000 N. If the club contacts the ball for a distance of 0.01 m, how much work is done?
A)220 J
B)180 J
C)170 J
D)155 J
An average golfer uses a putter on a golf ball with a force of 1200 N. If the club contacts the ball for a distance of 0.01 m, how much work is done?
A)120 J
B)100 J
C)95 J
D)125 J
An experimental jet engine flies a distance of 30,000 m in a test flight with a force of 3700 N, how much work is done?
A)90,500,000 J
B)100,000,000 J
C)111,000,000 J
D)120,000,000 J
A jet engine moves a distance of 40,000 m with a force of 44,000 N, how mcuh work does the jet engine do?
A)2,200,000,000 J
B)1,700,000,000 J
C)2,000,000,000 J
D)1,760,000,000 J
A basket of apples weighs 12 N. If the basket is lifted by a grocer a distance of 0.8 m, how much work does the grocer do?
A)9.6 J
B)9.2 J
C)8.8 J
D)10 J
A sack of hamburgers weighs 6 N. If the sack is lifted a distance of 1 m, how much work is done?
A)10 J
B)8 J
C)6 J
D)12 J
A dozen bagels weighs 11 N. If the bag is lifted a distance of 1.5 m, how much work is done?
A)14.2 J
B)15.5 J
C)17.9 J
D)16.5 J
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