Georgia Science Grade 6Unit 1:
Earth MaterialsRock name and sampleProject Type: Model
Provide students with a rock name and sample and have them research information
on their particular type of rock. Students may then plan a debate to present
the advantages and disadvantages of their type of rock in the following categories:
use in construction, weathering, leisure and entertainment value, beauty and
art, currency, energy production and use, tools and weapons manufacturing, and
food and drink. A class chart of this may be compiled by the student. Task: Debate
Provide two or four students with the same rock to research (allow a week to
research), divide the students in to two groups; Advantage (pro) and Disadvantage
- Allow each group five minutes to discuss the pro categories or con categories
of the rock
- Allow each group three minutes of rebuttal of the opposing opinion
- Allow five minutes at the end for question form the class for either side
to answer
1 week to research, 2-3 days to prepare for the debate and enough class time
to present all the types of rocks
Alternate Procedure::
Have student write a report on their rock that contains the advantages and disadvantages
of their type of rock in the following categories: use in construction, weathering,
leisure and entertainment value, beauty and art, currency, energy production
and use, tools and weapons manufacturing, and food and drink. Resources:
Use the following sites to help students research information on their particular
type of rock. Rocks for kids:
Rock Identification Key Encyclopedia
Type in the name of the rock The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdome Rubric: Click here for a rubric to help score this project.