Georgia Science Grade 6Unit 6:
You and the EnvironmentPeanut InventionsProject Type: Model
Have students research 3-5 of the 325 products that were invented from peanuts. Have them design their own creative use for peanuts (or other legume) and build a prototype with complete directions for their unique product to display at a class invention fair. The creative use for peanuts should fall into one of the following categories: - Food/Drink
- Medicine
- Cosmetic
- Household Product
The directions should include: - What material/ingredients were used and in what quantities
- How the creative use for the peanuts works
- Explain the design and describe its function
The prototype needs to be: - Durable and functions reliably
- Safe
- Environmentally friendly
- Marketable
The following are site to help student learn about peanuts. Students may use these and or any other site they find. Virgina-Carolina Peanuts Peanut product List Tuskegee University Rubric: Click here for a rubric to help you score this project.